Pop eye Clown Fish


:help: Anyone know what causes popeye in percula clown fish
and is curable or fatal
My percula clown fish developed popeye this afternoon in one eye only.
If its curable what can I do?


i have read that it is caused by microbubbles. so i would guess that to cure it, fix your microbubble problem


Active Member
im not sure if its micro bubbles as much as it is stress but my yt had pop eye and his eye is back to normal
its not contagious its not fatal but fix it while you can if you dont then it may loose the eye if it pops and it goes blind int he eye
if you have a qt then put it in the qt and use melafix. i used the week treatment. add the amount to tank size one day for a week then do a BIG water change to get rid of it.
i used melafix in my DT but it was a fowler if yours is the same then you might be ok i not sure the success/tank crash results with it
hope this helps some
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