Pop Eye in a Coral Beauty


My Coral Beauty as purchased almost two weeks ago and now seems to be showing symptoms of popeye. The right eye is inflated and beginning to cloud up. What is the treatment process for this disease and can it be cured? Also will it spread to my Bicolor Angel in the same tank? Neither fish has begun eating since purchase. NO pinching of the belly has been seen and all they do is pick on algae all day long. So what can I do? Thanx in advance.


Staff member
You purchased fish 2 wks ago and they have never eaten???
Something is seriously wrong if that is the case. Please give us deatails reagarding your tank setup, filtration, age of tank, substrate, and, particularily your water readings.
Yes, popeye can be treated and it is unlikly the spread. Do you have a separate tank to treat?
Need moare details before suggestion course of action.


i had a coral beauty that had some minor popeye which i noticed after i got him i was told by my supplier who i got him from either it will get better or worse either way let it happen because i cant medicate the tank and getting him out to put him in the qt tank was hopeless regardless i was lucky and he healed up great so good luck whatever happens also not eating for two weeks is bad news what are you offering? hopefully it gets better


Bi-Color and a Coral Beauty in a 40G.....yikes...maybe an injury from a scuffle with the bi-color? Not eating could be stress from having two angels in a small tank.
[ October 10, 2001: Message edited by: Beecher ]


The two angels are in my father's 70 gallon with two green chromises. The tank itself is filtered by a Fluval 303 canister, 2 power heads for the u/g, and a protein skimmer. The substrate is crushed coral and there is an excellent algae/bacteria base in the tank. Water conditions were checked last week and everything checked out as perfect. The tank has been running for more than 5 years. Both angels were introduced into the tank at the same time and neither has been responsive to food other than picking off the algae. Brine, flakes, Seaweed Selects, and dried kelp have all been tried. But still no luck. Hopefully with this information you guys and gals can provide me with some of your own.


Staff member
Do you have a separate hospital tank to treat the sick fish?? While you have a FO tank and could medicate the tank, this is not the best choice and should be avoided if possible. Especially since you have a well established tank that appears to be doing so well.
Medication would be Maracyn2 double dose for 5 days. If you do a small water change just before adding the next dose, this would be good.


a 25% water change is always nice (had a cloudy eye on my bi-color and lucky the water change did the trick this time )I beleive the angels MUST be seperated.. happy fishin