Pop Eye - Need Help!


New Member
my juvenile angel has a bad case of pop eye, i have been medicating with melafix but nothing is working...what do i do!?


Are you medicating in a qt or main tank?
Have you done the water change route yet?
What about your water paramiters, filtration and temp, salinity.
Do you know how the eye was damaged?
Your first line of defense is not meds. You should start with a large water change about 30%, unless you know how the eye was damaged.


New Member
i dont know what caused it, maybe a scrape that got infected. no other fish have any problems. Im fairly sure a water change wont do anything. What medications should i use?


Im fairly sure a water change wont do anything.
That is incorrect
A water change can help to releive conditions that may have caused the popeye in the first place.
It is normally caused by environmental conditions like poor water quality, high DOC’s, high nitrates, improper catching like when using a net, fighting with other fish, or by having hit something hard in the tank like rocks, heaters, or any other stationary object. It can also be caused by bacteria, parasites, virus or a growth behind the eye.
In minor cases of Popeye the eye will usually return to normal without blindness. If more serious the eye may appear colorless, grey or have that clouded look, and could result in blindness in the eye. If both eyes are affected and are severe the eyes may burst or disappear in which case the fish may not be able to recover and may die.
Treatment: Overwhelmingly it appears that the first step to take is to do a large water change. At least 30%. This can be done in the main tank with fresh saltwater that has been vigorously airiated and mixed for at the very least a 24 hour period, using 2 or 3 day aged water would be better. Raw saltwater,freshly mixed and not aged and aerated is stressful to fish and highly irritating to sensitive gill tissues. Why the water change? This will help remove DOC’s and Nitrates and improve the condition of the overall system, providing a cleaner and healthier environment for the fish to recuperate in, quite possibly removing that condition which caused the Popeye in the first place. In most minor cases the injury will heal itself, however it also depends on what caused the condition in the first place.


hey i read you post on your skimmer and i have a few question on it. how do you get the collection cup to start filling i see foam but it doesnt raise up high enough to get to it. second theres one peice i cant figure out where it gos its a rectangle peice with a tab on one side.
and sorry for posting it in this topic just wanted to get ahold of you


New Member
send a private message instead of getting a thread off topic, people may scroll down now and not respomd when i need help too!


Have you made any decisions yet on treatment?
I have seen where some people have used melafix in the past with varying results, however Maracyn–Two or Nitrofurazone are the two meds of popular choice.