

Over the weekend my Chromis developed this popped out eye.
Went home Friday and all was good. 5 Chromis, 4 Peppermints, handful of hermits and snails all seemed normal.
Got to the office to feed them and this is what I saw. The picture really doesn't show just how popped out the eye is.
Left side is fine.
Is this something that is going to spread to the other fish?
Is there some kind of treatment?
I can make a temp QT if needed.
:help: Never seen this before in my few years of saltwater tanks!
Any suggestions are appreciated!


Guess I should have read the post at the top of the page!
It gave me my answer concerning what this is and if the others will get it!
I am going with bumping into a rock as a cause since I tested the water today and all is normal. This fish was delivered from SaltwaterFish.com on March 11th and introduced into the tank after 2 hours of acclimation. The tank has been running for about 9 months. Started out as a reef (LR and LS). I lights I purchased just weren't cutting it so I decided to change it to a FOWLR. 2 months ago, I removed all the corals to my home reef and added 10 more pounds of live rock (this stuff has been at the LFS's holding tank for 3 months). I let it run with just hermits and snails for 4 weeks, checked that all levels were good then ordered Shrimps and Chromis.
I am going to wait a few days and see if he gets any better.
Any ideas on time frame for this stuff to go away (assuming no meds required)?


Active Member
ther are many causes to pop eye in marine fishes.I would however Qt your fish and I hate to say this but because there are so many known reasons for this to happen Id suggest doing some research online .it can be caused by disease nutrition imbalances water quality hormonal imbalences the list goes on to give you an idea id have to type out 3 pages of my book for camparisons.but i can tell you I use a medication for a few differnt illness's that does list itself as a usefull for pop eye (melafix)anitibacterial remody. good luck