Originally posted by Beth
Ragged fins resulting from fish aggression, or do they look like frayed as in a disease or husbandry issue??
What are you feeding the fish? Give some details about your tank, particularly water circulation throughout the tank, filters, etc. When is the last time you did a water change?
Notice any aggression going on in this tank?
Is the clown eating and acting normal besides the eye?
Only one pectoral fin on each tang (yellow and naso) are worn a little. the rest of the fins are perfect. I don't notice any agression at all between the tangs. They all are eating good. No red blotches or any blemishes on any of them. Only the clown seems affected.
The clown came out to eat last night. That is how I noticed the eye. He does stay in the back of the rockwork rather than his normal swimming around with the tangs routine. the eye doesn't look cloudy, just bulged out!
I feed my fish a mix of things. They get a piece of Sea Veggies in the AM and then I feed either formula 2 flake or pellets. Twice a week I feed brine shrimp soaked in garlic and selecon instead of the formula 2.
I did add a larger sump on Monday. I changed out 20 gal of old water and added 60 gallons of well aerated new water. Could it have anything to do with the newly glued pipes an fittings when I changed over the sump.
Just seems odd that only he is the only one showing any signs of illness. The other inhabitants (sixline wrasse, longnose hawk, hippo tang, naso tang, yellow tang) are all looking good. Could it just be an injury? He is a wacko when it comes to clearing out the sand in front of the anenome!