Popeye on Angel


Active Member
I just got a little Orange lined angel, Put it in last night.
It was very healthy, My Yellow tang which has many tank mates didn't like him at all.
I think it was the fact that the angel likes the tangs home.
So i've seen the Tang back up and wave his tail at the angel.
So i'm not sure if the Tang got the angel in the eye.
It looks as though there is a tear in the clear lens part of his eye or he has some sort of infection or both..
I tried getting pics, but the angel either hides or if it does come out it doesn't stay still.
It's weird though, the Angel and the tang will swim around each other and not bother each other. Then after a while the tang just gets irritated and starts going after everything in sight. I think the Angel may have to come out...:confused: :notsure:


Originally posted by sw65galma
[BSo i'm not sure if the Tang got the angel in the eye.
It looks as though there is a tear in the clear lens part of his eye or he has some sort of infection or both..
This could have been cause by netting at the LFS, or by ramming into somthing.
It's normal for fish to tail flap at new commers.
Post some test scores.
Do you have a hospital tank or QT ? If the condition does not improve then you may have to go with meds.
When was your last water change?
Which size tank is this in?


Active Member

Originally posted by Thomas712
This could have been cause by netting at the LFS, or by ramming into somthing.
It's normal for fish to tail flap at new commers.
Post some test scores.
Do you have a hospital tank or QT ? If the condition does not improve then you may have to go with meds.
When was your last water change?
Which size tank is this in?

This is a 46 Pentagon Fish and Invert Tank
Nitrate:60ppm (i'm working on this)
I did have a QT, but I got bored with it and made it into a Nano :p It's got inverts in it only, no Fish.
Worse case scenerio I'll put together my 29 I have hanging around and start filling it with water changes from the 46.
How long should I wait before getting worried?


I would do a 30% water change first, get those trates down. Use only RO/DI water. Have a 2nd water change ready in a few days.
Let your water change water mix for at least 24-48 hours.
This is the first step to treating popeye.
Look into the popeye threads for further information.


Active Member

Originally posted by Thomas712
I would do a 30% water change first, get those trates down. Use only RO/DI water. Have a 2nd water change ready in a few days.
Let your water change water mix for at least 24-48 hours.
This is the first step to treating popeye.
Look into the popeye threads for further information.

I've read just about every one there is.
One thing people didn't mention though is how long it should take to heal on its own.
Like if it's not doing any better in X days then QT him and start adding X Medication.


Staff member
This does not sound like a typical popeye situation to me. What do you mean by "infection" in the eyes? Are the eyes cloudy? Notice any other symptoms, like ich?
Do you have a QT?


Active Member

Originally posted by Beth
This does not sound like a typical popeye situation to me. What do you mean by "infection" in the eyes? Are the eyes cloudy? Notice any other symptoms, like ich?
Do you have a QT?

It's just one eye, and it does look like its getting better,
Yes i have a QT. What should i do?
He look fine today, as far as eating and swimming and such.


Staff member
Do a 20% water change in your tank with aged, aerated water. Start feeding the fish fresh or frozen foods that have been soaked in fresh garlic for 15 mins in the fridge. Lets see how he does without formal treatment.