popeye on tang


I'm pretty sure my hippo tang has popeye. Is Melafix the way to go or should I use something else? Any potential causes on how he got it? Thanks!


Originally Posted by benguck
I'm pretty sure my hippo tang has popeye. Is Melafix the way to go or should I use something else? Any potential causes on how he got it? Thanks!
I have tried both Melafix and Rally for my Achillis Tang's popeye, neither of which did anything. I have posted numerious times, been to a couple different LFS's and went through all my books for info on this subject and the best answer I have gotten is water quality. I have done 2 water changes so far in a couple weeks and that hasn't worked for me either. (very discouraged) I would try a water change first though - can't hurt. Then maybe melafix. Beware your skimmer will go nuts with the melafix.


Active Member
Pop Eye can be caused by poor water quality, injury or disease. Check ALL your water parameters and review your system set-up. Tap water contains nutrients plus other nasty "stuff". Water changes may not help if you are using tap water and that is the source of the water quality" issue" and what is causing Pop Eye.


Active Member
If you can move the animal to a QT you can treat with Epsom salt...one teaspoon per 5 gallons. You can also add this to the display but monitor all your water parameters. If you are hesitnat to do this do some resarch on google regarding popeye and epsom salt treatment.


Well, after looking through your previous posts, it appears you have a Yellow and Hippo Tang in that 55g....neither belongs in there.