Population question!!!!!!


New Member
125 gallon tank with penguin 330 and wet/dry filter. Dead coral and crushed coral/large granuled sand bed (60/40 mix).
6 inch Imperator, 6 inch Sohol tang, 5 inch Blueface angel, 5 inch Asfur angel, and a 3 foot Brazilian Moray Eel.
Am I at my limit? I hear that if I add a protein skimmer then I could add one or two more fish. What do you guys/gals think?
I think the consensus will be that you are overstocked as is. BUt, I am curious, how do the angels get along. Any problems?


125 is a good size for a tang but 2 tangs wont fit. The problem is you have 3 angels in that tank... When they get bigger they will fight probably! I would take at least one of these angels out. If you wont then you are over stocked but if you can take one out then you can put one coris wrasse or a maroon clow maybe both but please dont put any fish until you take out an angel.


Active Member
Without getting into specifics about what fish are compatable with each other, I don't think you are at your limit yet. I would definitely add a good skimmer, regardless of if you add more fish or not, but I think you can add another fish. The eel is what really adds to the bio-load. They are carnivorous and messy eaters, both make for a lot of waste for the system to handle.


with the sizes of the fish now you're at your stocking limit....when those reach adulthood you'll have some serious problems. mixing full size angles is not a good idea becasue they will battle with each other and it won't be pretty
i would reccommend getting a skimmer soon and then down the road remove two of the angels and that would leave some room for a couple smaller fish.
in my 125gal i have a hippo and achilles tang, yellow boxfish, and LN butterfly...i'm at my limit.


New Member
My angels get along fine. My Imperator is at the top of the hill and everyone falls in line. I heard that the rule is either you have one angel or three. Two angels will fight and since I am having success with my angels I think the rule is true. I placed my most shy angel in the tank first (asfur) then my blue face and then my imperator. I put the sohol in last(mostly because he was given to me. Nobody bothers anyone else. It's actually baffling after all the years I heard that you could only have one angel. I heard that the same rule applies to tangs with same body shapes.
My eel is my problem in terms of bio-load. He eats squid that I buy from the supermarket, crawfish that is get from the baitshop and vitamins enriched feeders. He is a nasty mutha. I am getting a protein skimmer very soon. I really want a miniatus grouped but my eel would eat him at this point. Any suggestions?


New Member
Well neither those things are happening soon so...any suggestions that I can really use would be better served. In the future, I plan on having a 300 gal tank but that is about 5 years from now.


Active Member

Originally posted by Evaredee
125 gallon tank with penguin 330 and wet/dry filter. Dead coral and crushed coral/large granuled sand bed (60/40 mix).
6 inch Imperator, 6 inch Sohol tang, 5 inch Blueface angel, 5 inch Asfur angel, and a 3 foot Brazilian Moray Eel.
Am I at my limit? I hear that if I add a protein skimmer then I could add one or two more fish. What do you guys/gals think?

I would remove one tang, one angel and the eel. Lesley