porc puff feeding


i just got a 3 inch porc and I have been trying to get him to eat and for the last 5 days i havent seen him eat. I have krill and mysis shrimp. The first day i saw him try to eat some krill but it looked like he thought it was too big for him...i havent seen him eat anything for the last few days..what do u recomend i feed a 3 inch porc?


not sure mine eats like a pig. my old porc puff didn't eat for 2 weeks then died. must be something wrong. Someone told be they can get air inside them and you need to burp them. or maybe there is power in the tank. try fresh garlic may help to get him to eat. good luck i love my puffy and was very upset when i lost my last one. had him for 3 years. I feed him gold fish and he never ate again(will never feed live food again) best of luck again


i feed mine
brine shrimp with spirulina
silver slides
mysis shrimp
he loves all of them


Active Member
I had alot of luck with Fresh oysters too.
Garlic seems to perk fish up. Nasty as it is. You might fresh shrimp too. You can buy garlic extreem and drop a couple drops on the food before you feed.
I just got one and he does not want to eat the cube food. So I went and bought some scewers for the store or you could also use an arylic feeding stick. Put a full piece of krill on the end and make sure it has its eyes still on it. Put it in the water and wiggle it like its alive infront of his face. It might take awhile but he should go after it. I have even tried putting it in his mouth so he can get a taste of it. The one I had before my new one did the same thing and it took about a week to get it to eat fully. Have any question let me know


When I first got mine he didn't want to eat either. Probably just getting used to new surroundings. After about a week I finally got him to eat a silverside soaked in garlic. After that, there were no problems feeding him a variety of food as long as I soaked a new food in garlic the first couple of times. When your puffer gets hungry enough he will eat, and eat, and eat, and eat and eat. I think porc on the first name doesn't necessarily stand for for porcupine. Good luck!