Porc Puff

salt nate

Can I have a porc puffer in my 75 gal tank? Do they grow fast, cause my lfs has a tiny one with a great personality...like a little puppy


Active Member
They grow pretty fast, but a 75 should be fine for around 2 years or so. Puffers don't really swim around that much.


i agree it will be fine for a couple of yrs. i had one in a 90 for 2 yrs with no problem and a 9-0 is just alittle higher tank before upgrading it to a 210. Enjoy! they are for sure the most 'pet' like fish out there.


Active Member
I think you can easily, these are not real demanding fish. I think these are one species that tends to regulate its size to fit the space it has (like so many wild FW fish). There will be opposite opinions, of course.


Active Member
For a while you'll be ok, I don't know about your experience but my puffers have always been very active.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
For a while you'll be ok, I don't know about your experience but my puffers have always been very active.
Yeah, mine too; but they seem to adapt well and don't get all stressed if they're a little more cramped than under ideal conditions. Unlike tangs, and lots of other fish, that seem to stress out when they don't have quite enough room.


Active Member
I wouldn't be that glowing to cramped puffers, I had a dogface in a 180, and he seemed fine, however when he moved to a 300 he was a totally different fish. Much more active, more inquisitive. I don't think he ever rested in that tank.


i double checked and according to Scott Michael's Marine fish book a 75 gal is the minimum tank size for housing an ADULT porky. so your fish can live out it's whole life just fine in a 75. Scott is a top notch guy and his info is solid - that is ofcourse the minimum so anything bigger would of course be better but not needed. They only get 12" max.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 2batrigger
i double checked and according to Scott Michael's Marine fish book a 75 gal is the minimum tank size for housing an ADULT porky. so your fish can live out it's whole life just fine in a 75. Scott is a top notch guy and his info is solid - that is ofcourse the minimum so anything bigger would of course be better but not needed. They only get 12" max.
I doubt that a Porky's "control system" will let it grow to full size in a 75. A full grown adult couldn't even turn around in a 75. "Housing" a fish and having a fish thrive are two different things. BTW, a porky can easily reach 18"; and commonly does.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 2batrigger
i double checked and according to Scott Michael's Marine fish book a 75 gal is the minimum tank size for housing an ADULT porky. so your fish can live out it's whole life just fine in a 75. Scott is a top notch guy and his info is solid - that is ofcourse the minimum so anything bigger would of course be better but not needed. They only get 12" max.
They undersize a sailfin tang too.


Originally Posted by prime311
Obviously not. What are you his best friend that you know this so well?
no i never met the man. he has published book after book and has articles in all the top hobby magazines. when you talk saltwater gurus your talking people like Moe, Sprung, Eric borne. and Michael ect.... got it out of his book. how many books have any of you written? how many articles for mags have you written. Most porkys never get past 12" even in the wild and a 75 is fine as the minimum size for an adult porky and as i said and he would agree of course the bigger the better but that is the minimum you would want to house it in.


Active Member
Well I think Bob Fenner is the end all be all of proper fish care(funny you dont even mention him) and this is what he says:
The Common Porcupine Puffers (Diodon holacanthus)
This is a very wide spread species of puffer, found in almost every major warm water ocean, Pacific, Indian, and the Atlantic Ocean. This is a member of the Diodontidae family, which also includes Burrfish. The separation between the Diodons and the Tetradons comes from the armored and spiny bodies of the Porcupine and Burrfish.
This is possibly one of the best puffers you can get for your tank. Providing that you are going to be getting a tank that is over 100 gallons.

Also, to clarify a 75 might be fine for a full grown puffer in a tank all by itself with almost no live rock. Once you start considering additional tankmates and space taken up by live rock though a 75 is awfully cramped for a foot long or more puffer.


Active Member
Also not just about space, what about load? How in the world can a 75gal handle the bio-load of a near foot long puffer? Is there a sump that is larger then the display, with a matching huge refugium and a skimmer rated for a 300gal tank? You probably could feed a big porky 2 table shrimp, 3 clams on the half shell, and a bit of octopus, and he'd still be hungry.



Originally Posted by prime311
Well I think Bob Fenner is the end all be all of proper fish care(funny you dont even mention him) and this is what he says:
The Common Porcupine Puffers (Diodon holacanthus)
This is a very wide spread species of puffer, found in almost every major warm water ocean, Pacific, Indian, and the Atlantic Ocean. This is a member of the Diodontidae family, which also includes Burrfish. The separation between the Diodons and the Tetradons comes from the armored and spiny bodies of the Porcupine and Burrfish.
This is possibly one of the best puffers you can get for your tank. Providing that you are going to be getting a tank that is over 100 gallons.

Also, to clarify a 75 might be fine for a full grown puffer in a tank all by itself with almost no live rock. Once you start considering additional tankmates and space taken up by live rock though a 75 is awfully cramped for a foot long or more puffer.
sure he is one too. i'm not listing them all. i added after michael the word -ect. My point is made and as for filtration aquaknight you can certainly put enough on a 75 to handle the load

please also just because a fish still act hungry doesn't mean it is. they will eat themselves to death if you let them

salt nate

now now peeps, dont get your panties in a bunch!
I'd love to talk politics with you guys. Thanks for all the info...but with the major disagreements, I still dont know what to do! Well maybe I will get a tiny one and upgrade the tank in 2 years... you think thats a good plan?


Active Member
Originally Posted by salt nate
now now peeps, dont get your panties in a bunch!
I'd love to talk politics with you guys. Thanks for all the info...but with the major disagreements, I still dont know what to do! Well maybe I will get a tiny one and upgrade the tank in 2 years... you think thats a good plan?

Sure, any excuse to upgrade is a good idea; and the addiction of our hobby requires it!

salt nate

yep, I know that first hand and I am probably more extreme than most. I bought a new 75 gal and I loved it so much, that within two weeks I heard of a friend wanting to get rid of his 75 and so I bought that one too! Its only been a month now and Im talking about more!!!
Im a former drug addict, so I need to be addicted to something!


Originally Posted by salt nate
yep, I know that first hand and I am probably more extreme than most. I bought a new 75 gal and I loved it so much, that within two weeks I heard of a friend wanting to get rid of his 75 and so I bought that one too! Its only been a month now and Im talking about more!!!
Im a former drug addict, so I need to be addicted to something!
congrats! i have a family member addict so i know it is tough.
good luck and stay sober. indeed we all have an addiction to something and while this is a good addition to have it is not the cheapest one. the plan sounds fine.