porc puffer is this normal



I purchased a porc puffer 2 days ago... when I 1st let him out the into the tank he swam around. This morning when I got up I notice the he is just sitting around in the sand...Is this behavior normal or is something wrong with my puffer
ph 8.1-8.2
salinity 1.022
nitrites 0
ammonia 0
nitrates 0-5
temp 79

my way

Active Member
The one I had would occasionally hang out under a piece of tabletop skeleton on the sand for an hour or two after the lights came on in the morning. I would'nt worry about it unless it does'nt perk up and start swimming by the end of the day.


New Member
My fully grown porc puffer always swam around and was quite the attraction at my office. He however died due to complications from one of the times he puffed up (he was my favorite fish)

I had a lot of trouble finding a replacement porc puffer considering I need a large one for my tank (225g) and all of my other fish are large. I purchased a 4-4.5" porc puffer and introduced him to my tank. He was very aggressive in the bag while acclimating and he seemed to want out in the worst way. But when I finally released him into the tank he freaked out and just sulked at the bottem of the tank in the corner behind a piece of branch coral. I thought he was dead a couple of times but he was just scared.
I took him back to my LFS and had the owner put him in her medical tank and he came down with ick when he was in the front of the store so she put him in the back of the store and he was swimming in circles and looked happier than a pig in s$#-. She put him in the front of the store again and he came down with ick again! I don't know what the deal is but it's really frustrating, I want my puffer back! lol
The owner says it was because of my Clown Trigger but how is it that he keeps getting ick in a store all by himself? Sounds like BS to me


What you are experiencing is very normal on a day to day basis. My puffer likes to lay in the very front right corner of my tank. He usually does this every other day. He just lays right on top of the sandbed. Don't be alarmed this is normal behavior. Good luck with your puffer, they are great fish.

my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by QuaTscH94
My fully grown porc puffer always swam around and was quite the attraction at my office. He however died due to complications from one of the times he puffed up (he was my favorite fish)

I had a lot of trouble finding a replacement porc puffer considering I need a large one for my tank (225g) and all of my other fish are large. I purchased a 4-4.5" porc puffer and introduced him to my tank. He was very aggressive in the bag while acclimating and he seemed to want out in the worst way. But when I finally released him into the tank he freaked out and just sulked at the bottem of the tank in the corner behind a piece of branch coral. I thought he was dead a couple of times but he was just scared.
I took him back to my LFS and had the owner put him in her medical tank and he came down with ick when he was in the front of the store so she put him in the back of the store and he was swimming in circles and looked happier than a pig in s$#-. She put him in the front of the store again and he came down with ick again! I don't know what the deal is but it's really frustrating, I want my puffer back! lol
The owner says it was because of my Clown Trigger but how is it that he keeps getting ick in a store all by himself? Sounds like BS to me
It sounds to me that all the moving back and forth from tank to tank is stressing it out. That is usually when they contract the parasite. I think you should have given it time to settle into it's surroundings in your tank. The one I had could be a lttle timid at times although not to often, but when push comes to shove he would not back down to any of my triggers Clown included. In fact if they went after him it was the Triggers that would wind up running for their lives. Ich can live for weeks without a host, so if you keep putting it back into a tank full of the ich parasites there's a good chance they are going to latch onto him. Next time give him time to settle in before taking such drastic measures as moving it to another tank.