porcelain anemone crab


seen a pic of one and thought they were pretty cool looking, anyone have one, good or bad experieces with them?
I've had an anemone crab for a few months with no problems. He just hangs out on the LR and filter feeds most of the day. It's pretty interesting to see it use two fan like appendages to trap food! Though it has a large set of claws, they are very flat and practically usless as weapons...HTH


I have had one for nearly a year. For the first 6 months he just hung around one area of my tank and never ventured far. When I transfered him to the 90 he finally found one of my BTA's and now makes that his home.
They are very neat to watch, they are a filter feeder that changes its feeding mechanism in relation to water flow conditions by using its maxillipeds catching plankton. They will switch these catchers mits depending on the strength of the current from active or passive feeding, using one or the other or both of the maxillipeds.
I would suggest a mature system of at least 6 months with liverock and livesand, if you have a refugium all the better. Mine likes zooplankton in addition to what else is in the water colum. I also use a few drops of micro plankton per week.
I have dozens of these guys that came on my aquacultured LR. They are now breeding and forming small families in my tank! I absolutely love them, they are beautiful and fun to watch. I find them very easy so far. I have done nothing special for them and they are doing great. I regularly feed my tank Microvert and Chromaplex as I have tons of filter feeders that came on my rock. They seem to enjoy this stuff when I add it to the tank.
I think that they are especially fun to watch in groups. I saw one respond to the click of a pistol shrimp by scooting over to cover up a smaller porcelain crab in a protective fashion, this morning. They are very cute and appear quite hardy. I do not have an anemone by the way.
Great peaceful addition to any tank, in my opinion.