porcelain crab


Active Member
Wanting to know if i could add a porcelain crab to my 3 gal pico with these inverts already in there: cleaner shrimp, 2 sexy shrimp, 1 pom pom crab, 1 hermit crab, 1 algae eating cowrie, 1 snail


Originally Posted by Debbie
Wanting to know if i could add a porcelain crab to my 3 gal pico with these inverts already in there: cleaner shrimp, 2 sexy shrimp, 1 pom pom crab, 1 hermit crab, 1 algae eating cowrie, 1 snail

Yup. Super Peaceful. I love mine, he's quite a character.


I wouldn't.. some get rather big and although they are looked at as filter feeders, they are still crabs.


Active Member
That is good to hear, do you see the crab out and about all the time or do they hide alot??
I am just worried about my pom pom crab and it but i am sure there is lots of hiding places for them both.


Mine is out all the time. He sits at the base of one of my SPS colonies all day/night. The thing about them is, once they find a spot they're happy with, they really don't leave that area.
Kraylen, why do you say it would kill?
The claws are flat on mine, really more show than for actually use and he's very peaceful.
I don't know if it's the best option for a 3G, but they are a very peaceful crab and I personally don't think it would kill the PomPom.
Here's the most recent pic of mine (he's missing his claws right now because my clown ripped them off as punishment for coming to close to her anemone which got moved right after I took this pic):


I'm only speaking from experience with my 10 gallon tank. Porc killed 2 pom poms and a fire shrimp.


Originally Posted by OleMiss
BTL yours is an anemone crab. Porcelain crabs get substantially larger and more aggressive.
It's actually a Porcelain Anemone Crab, which is what most peopke commonly refer to as a "Porcelain Crab." I know there is another type as well.
You bring up a good point though,
Debbie, which type were you thinking about?
Kraylen, which did you own?


Active Member
Okay first off i don't plan on upgrading to a bigger tank as i downgraded to this 3 gal to just dabble in saltwater with a few corals and inverts.
The name they use at this place i buy from is Neopetrolisthes/petrolisthes that is the technical name they use and then beside it Porcelain Crab. I just emailed them to ask them if its the white/red colored kind so have not heard back yet. If its not the red/white kind then I don't really want one but i still have to think about it too.


Originally Posted by Debbie
Okay first off i don't plan on upgrading to a bigger tank as i downgraded to this 3 gal to just dabble in saltwater with a few corals and inverts.
The name they use at this place i buy from is Neopetrolisthes/petrolisthes that is the technical name they use and then beside it Porcelain Crab. I just emailed them to ask them if its the white/red colored kind so have not heard back yet. If its not the red/white kind then I don't really want one but i still have to think about it too.

Well, the Porcelain anemone crab that I own is a neopetrolisthes maculatus.
The ones they are selling are porcelain anemone crabs.
A regular porcelain crab is a porcellana species, those are the ones that are more aggressive.


Active Member
I see it looks like there are a few different kinds of these guys. I think maybe i will just leave well enough alone with what i have as I don't want to get the wrong kind then have issues in my small tank.
Thanks everyone for the replies......


Originally Posted by Debbie
I see it looks like there are a few different kinds of these guys. I think maybe i will just leave well enough alone with what i have as I don't want to get the wrong kind then have issues in my small tank.
Thanks everyone for the replies......

Probably the best idea.


Active Member
I thought i would send this info that the lfs i emailed to sent me today. They have in stock a white porcelain crab and a few blue ones, if you google the blue ones are they ever neat looking.
I asked them about housing them with sexy shrimp and pom pom crabs. They told me that they keep sexy shrimp, pom pom crabs, porcelain crabs and the clown gobies all in one tank in the store as they would be dinner in other tanks.
They claim there is no reason why i could not have one porcelain crab in my little tank as they are very peaceful crabs, in their opinion one of the best crabs to have in tanks that will not bother anythings.
So I have to think about this, not rushing into anything till i do more homework. I love the blues ones though for sure. very cool


Originally Posted by Debbie
I thought i would send this info that the lfs i emailed to sent me today. They have in stock a white porcelain crab and a few blue ones, if you google the blue ones are they ever neat looking.
I asked them about housing them with sexy shrimp and pom pom crabs. They told me that they keep sexy shrimp, pom pom crabs, porcelain crabs and the clown gobies all in one tank in the store as they would be dinner in other tanks.
They claim there is no reason why i could not have one porcelain crab in my little tank as they are very peaceful crabs, in their opinion one of the best crabs to have in tanks that will not bother anythings.
So I have to think about this, not rushing into anything till i do more homework. I love the blues ones though for sure. very cool

I've never had a bad experience with the ones they are selling, very peaceful.