Porcupine Dog Face


I'm no expert, but both a dogface and a porcupine grow up to 12 inches long. A 50 is too small for either and definitly too small for both, sorry :(


like I said, I'm not an expert, but I would definitly say more than 100 gallons. You might want to ask this question in the agressive setups forum. See what other people have to say and good luck :cool:
No two puffers are compatible. There should never be more than one puffer in a set up. That's the written rule. Of course I've seen it done and you'll come to find out in this hobby it's a trail and error kind of thing. You have to know your fish, how aggressive it is how territorial he is.
I wouldn't suggest it. Definitly not in a 50 gallon tank. I had a Mappa Puffer in my 125 that I soon had to return to the store b/c it was too big (10 inches). You need at least a 100 gallon tank to house a dog face or porcupine.