Porcupine Puffer and Salfin Tang

blue eye

Can these two type of fish go together, and also the Clarki Clown and snow flake eel.
Will they be ok all in one tank.
Pease help.

blue eye

First i need to update my profile i have a 55 gal tank now. And this question is for my freind who just got a 200 gal tank. It will be set up on monday and asked me to find out if these type of fish would be ok living together.
i told him i would find out for him.
So any help would be great.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blue Eye
First i need to update my profile i have a 55 gal tank now. And this question is for my freind who just got a 200 gal tank. It will be set up on monday and asked me to find out if these type of fish would be ok living together.
i told him i would find out for him.
So any help would be great.
In a 200, those fish would make splendid tankmates.....I would suggest the Desjardini Sailfin Tang, a little more money than a regular Sailfin, but well worth it. The only worry would be the Clarki Clown getting large enough to not become a meal for a Porky Puffer, they will eat anything they can....I believe Clarki Clowns get to 4 inch or so, which would likely be just fine.....Maroon and Tomato are better Clowns in big "Aggressive" tanks.

blue eye

Also would a snow flake eel be ok in my 55 gal tank or is that to small for my tank. i think they are prety cool and if the eel would not be ok with the fish my freind wants to get he would give it to me. He already has one from his old tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blue Eye
How would the eel be in the tank with those guys.
SFE would be fine with the listed tankmates
Originally Posted by Blue Eye

Also would a snow flake eel be ok in my 55 gal tank or is that to small for my tank. i think they are prety cool and if the eel would not be ok with the fish my freind wants to get he would give it to me. He already has one from his old tank.
I would say a SFE would be ok in a 55, the only problem is you really can't/shouldn't keep very large fish in a 55, and small fish can be meals for a hungry SFE. If you had a SFE in a 55, you would be restricted as to the tankmates you could have with one.....Just an example, Coral Beauty Angel, Maroon Clown, SFE would be a pretty good set up for a 55 in my opinion. Your Damsals and Scooter Blenny could be an easy meal for a hungry Eel, trust me I have seen a SFE eat a Damsal.

blue eye

oh i did not know that they would do that. So i think that is not a good idea. Well thanks for the help. What else should i add to the tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blue Eye
oh i did not know that they would do that. So i think that is not a good idea. Well thanks for the help. What else should i add to the tank
There is a Golden Dwarf Moray that you could do....Problem is they are typically quite spendy, $200 on up typically.