Hi Guys,
My first fish in my fish only tank a couple of years ago, was a porcupine puffer. My daughter named him Ron
My second fish was a red tooth niger trigger, my third fish was a blue hippo tang, and then a lion fish. My last two were a emperor angel and a yellow tang. I never had any problems with any of the fish, till one night the niger trigger bit my puffers eye. I felt so bad, I had to let the trigger go (gave him to a friend) I was told, my moon light light let off a reflection on my puffers eye at night and the trigger went for it.
I shut my tank down soon after, my daughter was pretty upset after Ron got bit. I now have a non aggressive tank. I really do miss my puffer though, he was and still is my favorite Fish :-(
I am kinda new to the hobby, I am not saying these fish will work for you. It's just what I had and that was my only problem. It did take a couple of years to happen though.
Good luck
LI Mike