Porcupine Puffer Help


Porcupine Puffer Help

I have a concern for my new porcupine puffer fish I recently received.
After acclamation, and for the first day, the puffer fish seemed happy, floating and swimming near the top of the water, looking very active and mobile.
But he seemed not to want to eat any of the dry or cubed food products.
After the second day, I got him some guppies and white shrimp.
He devoured the shrimp like there was no tomorrow.
In fact, I worry he over ate since he is just a baby (about 2 1/2 inches) and he ate at least 9 shrimps.
His back got plotted (a bump on it) and I swear I saw him throw up once.
He has been laying on the bottom of the tank since, breathing very slowly, and looking lethargic.
After a day, the bump as gone down a little, and I think I also saw him spit out a rock (the day after he ate).
He is still laying on the bottom and moving around very little.
Did he just over eat and maybe he will get better?
Is there something seriously wrong with him?
How long until I try to feed him again, and with what?
Please help with any advise, I really don/t want to loose this fish.
Thank you,


Staff member
Yes, it sounds like he overate, this happening after likely not eating much in the fish store. By white shrimp, do you mean ghost shrimp? What happened to the guppies? Actually, this type food has little nutitional value for a puffer.
When you got the puffer, was he removed from water at any time? This can cause severe problems if this happened at either the LFS or by you when you transferred him into the tank.


Thank you for the responce.
They where ghost shrimp (9 of them) & 2 guppies.
The lion fish I have ate at least 1 guppy and 2 shrimp.
I shrimp is still alive (2 days later).
The puffer had not ate in at least 2 days since I got him.
After his gorge, he as not eaten for 2 days.
Last night he started to look a little better, swimming and moving around normally.
This morning he was laying back on the bottom.
I can only hope for the best.
He was expossed to air for a second during acclamation, but he seemed to recover well in the tank and for the fisrt 2 days, besides not eating, seemed very happy.
The other tank mates are normal.
When should I try to feed him again and what?
Again, thanks for the advice and attention.