Porcupine Puffer Help!


New Member
I have a 55 gallon tank. Just set-up when b/f surprises me with porcupine puffer. Very cute fish but I noticed other posts about how destructive they can be. So now what are my options? I only have live rock in my tank as of right now along with the puffer.


Depends on who you talk to. Porc puffers seem to get pretty big, and may outgrow your 55. If you were planning on getting inverts (snails, hermits, crabs, etc.), you may be out of luck. I have a small Spotted Puffer, but so far the only inverts he may pick at are my small snails. Doesn't seem to bother the other inverts. However, my inverts were established in my tank before I got him, and I also keep him well fed. As for other fish, I have a green chromis and a christmas wrasse he doesn't bother at all. Doing research, a Dwarf Coral Beauty and a Maroon Clown would be OK. But that's my Spotted, not a Porc. Do some searching here on Porc Puffers, and you can get an idea what will go along with him. If he's just too aggressive for your taste, take him back to the LFS your b/f got him from and see if they'll trade for a more docile fish. You'll just have to find some way to do it where it doesn't hurt your b/f feelings.


Active Member
A Porcupine will definitely outgrow a 55. I'd suggest thanking your boyfriend for being thoughtful and then the 2 of you go bring him back and get a smaller fish. One of the smaller puffers would do well in a 55.


I agree with above. Porcs get huge, are messy eaters, and contribute to a high bio-load. Tell your boyfriend that you love his thoughtfulness, but you've done your research and that you really can't keep a Porc in your tank. If you are able to (and you should be,) I suggest taking the Porc back and getting a Valentini Puffer or some other dwarf Puffer. They're just as cute and personable, but in a much more manageable size.