porcupine puffer...help


New Member
i just got my first porcupine puffer. I am just wondering what to feed him? i do remember reading ghost shrimp from the LPS if i go that route how many do i buy and will they live in the Saltwater tank since they are freshwater?


Active Member
Give it a variety of meaty foods; chopped scallop, squid, octopus, raw shrimp with the shell on, silversides, chunks of clam, small pieces of boneless whitefish, etc.. Avoid using krill except as an occasional treat.


Active Member
if hes a small porc he will fair best with smaller foods i have found with mine hes not as tempted with larger chunks..mine prefers frozen krill(not freeze dried) raw shrimp, scallops,silverslides.squid..mine also prefers shell off the shrimp do to the small size of his mouth..i started with chunks of food large enough to stick feed at first once he was starting to chase foods i then cut them smaller to drop in tank..he then chases them.he wont eat finely chopped foods