porcupine puffer not moving much


My new puffer is just sitting in one spot with very little movement. He has not had a lot of interest in eating since I feed him 2 days ago. Is this normal behavior for a puffer?


How much did you feed it last? Have you tried turning off the lights? Porc. puffers tend to be more active at night. Give it a little time and I'm sure he/she will turn around. When you feed it, try soaking your food in a vitamin supplement first...I do this for all my fish and all are doing fine.


when I first got my porc puffer, he didn't move or eat for 3 weeks. Then one day he decided he would eat, and he's been great since that. i think they are just really skiddish, and freaked out when they move to a new place. definetely turn off the lights for awhile, or at night time, try feeding him some frozed people shrimp. that's all mine will eat. oh and my puff will only eat at night. they are the wierdest fish, they are very stubborn, but soon you will see his personality coming out. give itsome time.