Porcupine puffer w/cleaner shrimp


New Member
Does anyone here have any luck with a porcupine puffer, triggers and wrasses together in one tank? I have a 125 FOWLR with:
Porcupine puffer
picaso trigger
green bird wrasse
brown saddle wrasse
blue tang
yellow tang
foxface lo
Would like to put in a cleaner pack (cleaner shrimps, crabs, etc.) in the tank to help out with the algae bloom when it happens. Would my carnivores eat them? Will ad pics as soon as I figure out how. Thanks.


i wouldnt do it most likely they will all be torn to shreds


ya ther gonna get eatin thats y u shouldnt buy those kinds of fish, stick wit tangs instead of puffers n triggers. most tangs eat algae


If you want triggers, you can try blue jaw or pinktail, they are the most docile, and they don't bother my shrimps, crabs and etc......


I have a porc. puffer in my tank as well as a blue jaw. I am lucky - they don't mess with anything. My puff loves to be cleaned by the cleaner shrimp - even lets the shrimp clean his teeth. I just laugh since my puff should be eating him. Here is a great picture I have posted before of my silly puff and his crab friend....


Active Member
i dont know too much about these fish but shouldnt they be fine if you just feed the fish enough and dont give them time to get hungy enough to eat a shrimp or crab?


Active Member
That is something I'd like to see, you should post some pics of your cleaner shrimp and a puffer.
But as a whole, you will probably loose anything you buy. I've tried hermits, turbos, and just about everything. Little, big inbetween, only one snail has made it. All the rest of them have become puffer food.