Porcupine Puffer with a sore?


New Member
I have a 5yr old Porcupine Puffer that appears to have a sore behind his eye and infront of his gill. It doesn't appear to be an open sore, yet. Is there anything I can do?


Staff member
Is he being harassed by any other fish? How are the tank conditions? Is he eating?


New Member
Only two other fish in the tank with him, one is a 4 stripe damsel and the other is a convict gobie. Everything else; a chocolate chip star & two pincushion urchins. He ate last night when I fed him.


New Member
The damsel has been with the puffer for 5yrs, he was my test fish to see if both of my puffers tanks had cycled properly. I will try to get a picture of it and post if, my puffer is a little camera shy.


Active Member
I had the same sort of spots on my lined puffer. I put Mela-Fix in the tank and the spots were gone in about 5 days. I assumed it was some sort of bacterial infection.


Active Member
It didn't harm my coral, hermits or snails. The bottle says it doesn't harm inverts. It is mostly melaluca oil. A natural tree extract. Here is the description from the company. I know we can't link the site, but I don't think anyone will object to the description.
Contains the natural botanical extract from the Tea Tree (Melaleuca), an excellent alternative to resistant strains of bacteria that are unaffected by traditional medications. Treats bacterial infections such as red ulcers, fin and tail rot, cloudy eyes, mouth fungus, and others in as little as 4 days. Also heals open wounds, ulcers, and damaged fins. Doesn't affect pH; safe for invertebrates. NEW MelaFix Marine can also be used with corals to control bacterial infections, reverse coral degradation and remove parasitic flatworms. 8 oz treats 480 gallons of marine or freshwater. 64 oz is a concentrated formula and treats 19,000 gallons. 8 oz MelaFix Marine treats 474 gallons marine water.


Active Member
Hmmm. I used the standard stuff like you have. I would use the marine type next time to be on the safe side, but what you have is what I used.


New Member
Thanks a million, I'll give it a shot! I lost my reef tank this week, it would kill me to lose him too.


Active Member
I hate to hear that.
My puffer had 3 of those spots, which is why I assumed it was bacterial. Puffers are tough little dudes. Mine has survived 2 bouts of really bad ich and the first time I thought everything was dead and neglected my tank for 2 months (no feeding or water changes-nothing!) thinking nothing survived.Then there he was under the LR when I started to tear it down. Sg was 1.035 when I tested it after finding him alive. Alot of evaporation.


New Member
WOW! I got my from saltwaterfish and he was only and 1" long, he is now 9" long and my favorite. He is so much fun!
My reef tank's glass broke on Wed and we are in the process of cleaning up the mess! I lost everything, there was glass and sand everywhere. YUCK.


Soak his food in a rotation of Vitachem and Zoecon. That will speed up the healing process. If you use the Melafix, be sure to turn your skimmer off. It will foam like crazy and remove the product. It is a good idea to increase surface agitation when using Melafix as well.
Save yourself some money and buy tea tree oil, its the same thing as melafix only cheaper. I add 4ml of 100% tea tree oil to my 75g tank.