Porcupine Puffer with HUGE rip/tear in skin all along underside


New Member
We have had our porcupine puffer for less than 12 hours (many other fish for much longer, though) and when we got up this morning he was somehow sucked up under one of the smaller powerheads. We tried to use a net to get him off (gently of course), but we ended up having to pull him off with our hands. He is still alive, but has a HUGE rip in his skin all the way from the bottom of his jaw down to his tail...his organs aren't hanging out and there's no blood coming from the area but his skin is very much torn (and a small patch under his chin is actually missing) and kind of flapping open as he swims. What on earth can we do to help him? We don't want him to suffer but is it likely this will heal on its own? He's fairly small, only about 2 1/2-3 inches long.