porcupine puffer ?


hi i just got a porcupine puffer 3 days ago and i allready got him eating right out of my hand. anyway, since i had him he has this blue glitter like stuff on both of his eyes. i was wondering what it was and if that is normal. he is 4-5 inches and im feeding him raw shrimp with th shell still attached. thanks!


New Member
I used to wonder this alot also, but from alot of reading, research, and personal experience puffers seem to adjust this coloration in there eye lense almost like sun glass's. When my puffer is in Actinic blue lighting only his eyes are clear, and when i turn all the lights on and its bright they change the lense coloration of there eyes. I have noticed this reaction from all of my puffers and i have 3. Guineafowl / "golden puffer", Spiny Box Puffer, Dogface Puffer all 3 are pritty good in size golden and spiny box are about 6"s and the dog face is like 4". I have been keeping them for quite a while now approx 6 months.