Pork Fish


Active Member
I had two juvi's I never got to see grow up.

They're an interesting fish. They are really striking as adults IMO. They aren't particularly aggressive, usually only caring about when the next meal is, esp. when they're older. They also get pretty decent sized, pretty quickly. The bigger one put on almost an inch in under 3 months
WOW nice pic and thanks for the info.
I was never crazy about them but am really starting to like em alot.
,,,,sine flu......


Active Member
Yea, I find the adults really attractive. I got juvi's to watch them change. I can remember catching them occasionally fishing, but never really thinking anything of them, until I saw a beautiful adult at an LFS tank (5000gal cylinder) that got me hooked. Under strong lighting/the sun, they have a certain 'shimmer' effect on the silver parts that is absolutely gorgeous IMHO. Being Grunts as well, they are incredibly hardy. One of the toughest fish we can keep.


Active Member
They get VERY large and I would not put them in anything but a very large FO or FOWLR with other large fish. they are often sold as juveniles and as such they are misleading.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
They get VERY large and I would not put them in anything but a very large FO or FOWLR with other large fish. they are often sold as juveniles and as such they are misleading.
Maybe you're thinking of Emporer Snappers? The max. reported size of a Porkfish is 15". If bought small'ish and raised in an aquarium, I'd be shocked to see him reach a foot. When people keep Clown Triggers that reach 15" and Queen Angels that reach 18", I don't see Porkfish as that


Active Member
Nope, I am thinking porkfish, the staple "filler" fish (and frankly food fish) in aquaria. We kept a lot of them as filler fish
. Perhaps the VERY should have been lower case
but they are a fish that can still pack on some size - so adding a few could take up more space than bargained for, depending on the tank size and inhabitants. It was several years ago but I also seem to recall them nipping at some cownose rays we had as well. They will also spar a bit with each other. Regardless a very pretty and under appreciated fish.
Emperor snappers are gorgeous but like panther groupers, they are sold at a misleading size and face an uncertain fate.



Active Member
Ok gotcha. Yea, I was a little confused, like I know they don't stay small but out of most of the fish we keep, they don't get that large. But yea, I definitely could see someone purchasing a couple juvi's and winding up with like 4 too many big fish


Active Member
Every inch counts in stocking...so it could be a tank of...porkfish. Not bad per se, but maybe not what was hoped.
Just a thought tho....
I understand that fish need room...but to me too many people think about WHAT SIZE TANK do you have.
We must also consider the filter capacity and the willingness of a fish keeper to do water changes.
Not in every case..but ..I see people here saying NO...No Way..your tank is too small...water quality will suffer...
If you have say a 125 and filter set up for say a 300 and are willing or Crazy enuf to do say a 30 gal water change every 2 weeks...alot of wants would be fine.


Active Member
IMO, water quality in FO tanks is not a big issue so long as you don't have ammonia and nitrites. The large FO systems at aquaria usually have nitrates in excess of 50 at a minimum, often over 150 with few problems...but the fish, by design, are often eating each other :)
So to me, it is not so much a question of water quality when these fish are considered. It is a question of their size, activity and territorial issues...with water quality being a consideration but a relatively distant one. Many of these large species of fish are by nature not crammed together, and that can cause problems, regardless water quality. JMO though.