possible 10 gallon sump for my biocube??


Hi everyone im new to this forum and had a question for you expert nano reefers!!

I currently have a 14 gal biocube with 20lbs of live sand, 15 lbs of live rock, 2 clowns, 1 firefish, 1 orange starfish, 7 hermits and 7 snails with a fire shrimp. (O YA! and a ricordea mushroom and hammer coral!!) I removed the bioballs in the back and have some tumbling chaeto back there (just a handful) but in the main display area I have a HUGE clump (will post a pic soon) of chaeto. My question was is there are way through plumbing I could connect a 10 g sump to this biocube? If yes how and what materials (pumps, powerheads, ...) and also what should I put in my sump (live rock, sand, inverts, and I would like at least one fish that I can put down in there, is this possible??? Thanks for your help i really dont no how to do this!!!!!!!!