Possible Algae problem?


New Member
Hello all. I am pretty new to keeping saltwater fish so dont laugh if this is a simple question. I set up my 55 gal tank about two months ago. In the last month i started to get a red/brown growth of some sort over most of the rocks and starting at the base of the glass. It is not slimy nor is it stringy. It seems to have now started growing on the crushed coral in the tank. The lr(10lbs) i have doesnt seem to have any growing on it. My question is first what is it? secondly is it good or bad? Finally can i get something to possibly eat it and keep it under control?And finally wer did it come from. It started growing on the rocks before the lr was present. My levels seem good salin 1.019, ammon/nitrite/nitrate =0, temp 78. Thanks for any help as it is appreciated.
Sorry,but i cann't remember the exact name for it,but it's a good thing.And for whatever my opion is worth,you really need to raise your
salinity level to 1.023-1.025.
Well I can't help U much but I did want to say 1 thing and it is just my opionion....NO SUCH THING AS A STIPUD QUESTION....if u don't know u need to ask...I am just starting out myself and I am addicted BIG TIME!!! lol.... Now as far as the salinity goes...Just last night my lfs(local fish store?) told me they keep their's at the same as yours .....they say it cuts down on the fish getting any diseases? Can we get any feed back on that? Everything I read says it needs to be at 1.021 to 1.024..or something close to that...what do u people think?
I'm not sure if it's a good thing, but it's normal on new tanks. A good clean up crew (snails, shrimp, stars any algae eaters would do).


Active Member
From your description, what you're experiencing may be a diatom bloom.
Diatoms are small single cell algae that are very common in newly set up tanks. In all my tanks that I've set up, they normally appear about a month after set up, sometimes a little sooner. Sort of a rusty golden brown dusting, that can cover portions of the substrate, rock, powerheads and glass.
Nothing at all to be too worried about - quite commom as I said.
Normally they will go away on their own after a couple few months, and most every snail I've had will eat them too. A good clean-up crew including snails will help to keep them in check.
If they persist longer, or get worse upon water changes - I'd look into your freshwater source.
Diatoms require silicates, which can be found in tap water, to form their tiny skeletons.
Limiting the silica and NITRATES will limit the growth of these guys. You must have NITRATES and silicates for them to take off and become a nuisance.
My other guess is a form of cynobacteria. Although from your description - It doesn't really sound like that is the stuff you have now.
Diatoms are not a "bad" thing, unless they grow out of control - which is rarely the case. In the ocean they are everywhere - and are a very important part of the food web. They are low man on the totem pole in the food chain - but without them - not much else in the way of plankton would exist.
In our small glass tanks - they come and go at the beginning - and normally just sort of fade away .......
And oh yeah ..... gotta watch my manners :p WELCOME to the board !
HTH ;)