Possible eel introduction



thinking about getting an eel. I think its a chainlink eel im not sure though. I have a large wrasse, a 4inch humma humma, a 2-3inch GS maroon, and a bunch of damsels. The eel at the FS is about 12 inches. My only concern is if he will eat my maroon clown? Also as far as feeding how and what should i feed him. He'll be in there with some fast fish and i heard their eye sight isn't that good


First of all, how big is your tank? If it is large enough, the clown may be able to avoid the eel. I have managed to keep a damsel with 2 morays (Fimbriated and SFE) and a 9.5" Gulf Toadfish in a 125 for nearly a year. Whether or not the eel is fast enough to catch the GSM will determine it's survival. It depends on the individual eel... Hope this helps!

crypt keeper

Active Member
I have a 12 inch Fimby which is probably just as aggressive if not more so. I have a 3 inch Coral beauty. He ignores it. I think it knows its too big to eat. It did however destory my 6 line wrasse and about 10 damsels.

salt life

Active Member
I have a chain link moray that is about 18" with a bunch of small sgt. majors. he has also been with different types of lionfish and is also with a fimbraited moray right now, he leaves all the fish alone and is very docile.

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
I have a 12 inch Fimby which is probably just as aggressive if not more so. I have a 3 inch Coral beauty. He ignores it. I think it knows its too big to eat. It did however destory my 6 line wrasse and about 10 damsels.
chain links aren't aggresive at all they are pretty docile like a SFE, my fimby is way more aggresive than my chain link could ever be.