Possible Equipment List...again.


EquipmentTank+Stand-55gal tank 48x12.5x21 (LWH)Lighting-48 inch Current USA Outer Orbit 2x150W 10K HQI-MH w/ 2x130W Dual Actinic & 6 Lunar LightsFiltering-60ish lbs LR
-2" LS SB
-(2) Jager 150 W Heater 13 inch submersible heater
-Coralife Digital Thermometer
Salt Mix
-Instant Ocean Sea Salt Mix
-Captive Purity Refractometer (with calibration dial)
Test Kit
-Red Sea Lab Test Kit (tests Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, pH, Alkalinity)
-TCMA, SWF forum
Protein Skimmer
-Coralife Super Skimmer Needle Wheel (for tanksup to 220 Gal)
RO Water
-Spectrapure Maxpure 25GPD RO System
-Suggestions would be great
-(2) Koralia 2, (1) Koralia 3
I think I covered everything. I am (hopefully) going to have a 20gal high sump in the cabinet making my total volyme about 75gal. In the sump I will have the skimmer and a refugium with Chaeto in it to help with nitrates. Any suggestions as to changes would be greatly appreciated. Tell me what you think. Thanks in advance.
PS, I will also be in need of an external overflow as my tank has no internal plumbing. Any advice in choosing one would be greatly appreciated also.
Oh! and forgot to add that I would like to be keeping a reef with SPS mostly, but some LPS if possible, and at least one anemone for the (or pair of) clown(s) Id like to have. I would also like to keep at least one clam. It will be a peaceful community reef tank, if all goes well of course.


list looks good to me. i would put the heaters in the sump too. as for the overflow, cpr makes the best that i have used. make sure you also get the aqua lifter pump with the overflow.
if you plan on keeping sps, you will want test kits for Ca and Mg also.


looks good. like NE said get some good test kits.
are you goin fish or reef? if youre goin reef you might need to add a few things like calcium with the instant ocean. just always test and determine where you want your levels to be and add as necessary.
if its fish then you'll be fine.


Bizz..Im confused at what you mean. Im struggling to see the difference between a reef setup and a fish with coral setup?


by reef he means do you intend to add corals - if so, different trace minerals, etc are needed - and tighter control on water parameters, etc. fish only with live rock, versus "reef = fish with live rock, corals, and inverts"
looks like he didn't read your post completely - about the SPS and LPS corals :p


I thought I specified that, thats why I was confused at what he meant. haha. I will be setting up a reef eventually. I also have another question, I dont know if this should have its own thread or not, but when purchasing things for the tank, what is the order? I know its:
1) All equipment
2.)LR & LS
Then I get lost from there. Do you buy the cleanup crew first or the fish first? I cant imagine that you would be buying corals before either one of those. Also, I would like to have some hermits or emerald crabs in my CUC, Ive heard some places say no to both, then sompe people say its okay and that each specimen is different. This makes sense, but as a general rule, are they okay to have in a community reef habitat?
Thanks again,


1) steps one and two are right
2) after that go with a clean up crew - but again, opinions here vary
3) As for whether or not hermits/emeralds are ok, you need to know what fish you intend to stock - to see plenty of examples, just look at the fish swf.com has for sale - plenty are listed as reef safe, and plenty as invertebrate safe (key for the crabs!!) - some are both, and some are not - reef safe means your corals won't get nipped or eaten, invert safe the same for your crabs /shrimps, etc :)


That makes sense. Here on SWF, though, many of the species in the invertebrates section dont sho whether they are reef safe or not and an overwhelming majourity dont show whether they are reef safe or not. Thats why I asked. I will compile a possible stocklist also. I had a stocklist compiled a while back in (I think) July, but that was for a 100gal. I think this should have its own thread? I will post a new one when its done, so check that one out too.


Updated list. I was thinking, and I would like to eventually upgrade to a 120gal tank (it will be the same length, so I can use the same lights..just need more LR, LS, and a bigger skimmer) But I have come up with a stocklist of some inhabitants that I would like to keep in the 55gal right now, and some that I would like to have once I upgraded to the 120. I will not get these fish until then, I wond do the whole thing where people get the fish in hopeds of a future upgrade. I will be getting the fish only AFTER I have the 120 up and running. So, heres the updated list of equipment and a stocklist. Tell me what you think The ones with stars will be acquired after I get the 120gal:EquipmentTank+Stand-55gal tank 48x12.5x21 (LWH)Lighting-48 inch Current USA Outer Orbit 2x150W 10K HQI-MH w/ 2x130W Dual Actinic & 6 Lunar Lights
-60ish lbs LR
-2" LS SB
-(2) Jager 150 W Heater 13 inch submersible heater
-Coralife Digital Thermometer
Salt Mix
-Instant Ocean Sea Salt Mix
-Captive Purity Refractometer (with calibration dial)
Test Kit
-Red Sea Lab Test Kit (tests Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, pH, Alkalinity)
-TCMA, SWF forum
Protein Skimmer
-Coralife Super Skimmer Needle Wheel (for tanksup to 220 Gal)
RO Water
-Spectrapure Maxpure 25GPD RO System
-Suggestions would be great
-(2) Koralia 2, (1) Koralia 3 (will add another Koralia 3 when I upgrade)


Flame Angelfish
(pair) Pink Square Anthias*
(3) Bangaii Cardinalfish
(3) Pajama Cardinalfish*
(2) False Percula Clownfish
(2) Green Gobies
Yellow Watchman Goby

In the mix Package from SWF:
20 Scarlet hermits
25 Blueleg hermits
5 Emerald crabs
2 Cleaner Clams
20 Nassarius Snails
White anemone crab
(5) Sand sifting crabs
Sally lightfoot crab
(2) lettuice nudibranch
Pistol Shrimp
(2) Cleaner Shrimp
(2) Brittle Starfish (one in the 55, add another in the 120)
Bubble-tip anemone
Florida Condi Anemone
Will be adding more inverts most likely when I (hopefully) get the 120gal.
Tell me what you think..if this is overstocked, please tell me. Any suggestions or revisions would be appreciated also.


Active Member
Some various items you don't have but will need eventually:
2 Brute garbage cans for storing/mixing water
Heater+Pump for mixing water
TDS meter
Various plumbing for sump(expect this to run around ~75$)
GFCI wall outlet or GFCI Power Strips(2)
Selcon and/or Zoecon Vitamin supplements(for fish food)
Sump pump Mag 7 maybe, depends on sump size
Eshopps Overflow(unless tank is already reef-ready/drilled)
Air pump and airline tubing
MagFloat(for cleaning glass)
(Highly Suggest) 20-30 Gallon Quarantine tank with filter, heater, and generic fluorescent lighting
(Highly suggest)16 Watt UV with 150GPH pump
Kent Marine ProBuffer + Kent Marine Calcium, AmmoLock(or other ammonia reducing product for emergencies),
IIRC Those Coralife Skimmers are pretty poor quality. Most people seem to prefer Octopus or ASM. Another suggestion, if you didn't know already, add livestock slowly at least over the course of a few months.


I tried to stay away from all the odds and ends for the major part so I knew I had the right major equipment. I will take note of all the supplements and suggestions though. Thanks. Yes, I know to add slowly, but is my current stocklist okay?


Active Member
Its on the heavy side, but as long as your filtration can cover the bioload I dont see any problem with it.