Possible finalized planning? Will this work?

new jack

New Member
After a couple months research I think I've finally found a system that I want and should be able to keep. This will be my first saltwater project so I am not sure yet. I have a 20 gallon tall. Dual bio wheel 330 gph. I am putting bio balls in the back for extra nitrification. 1 120 gph powerhead for current and aeration. 20 lbs. live sand 15-20lbs lr. also some dead coral and regular rock. 3 15 watt NO fluorescents. 1 actinic 1 10K and 1 50/50(is there a better combo) I want to put in 2 percula clowns, scooter blenny, 1 domino damsel, 1 unknown yet but small fish. As for the cleanup crew, 10 snails(any suggestions), horshoe crab, 1 or 2 shrimp(any suggestions), about 6-7 crabs (any suggesitons), and a starfish (any suggestions) For corals I am looking for something hardy, non-aggressive and obviously LOW light. This is what I have come up with. 1-2 blue mushroom(s), 1-2 green striped mushroom(s), 1-2 red mushroom(s), 1 green stary polyp, and possibly a colt(will it live). I don't plan on putting in 2 of each one I mentioned but I figure total I'll have probably 6-7 corals. So i guess my question is, can I make this work? If not, what needs changing and for what reason. I would also like to know when I should put in everything in relation to the cycle and in what order. I don't want to put in anything unless I have at least a 75% chance it will make it. I'm not too fond of throwing money away. Thanks for your time.


Active Member
Sounds Good... I would leave out the damsel and also the Horse Shoe crab.
The rest sounds fine..
For My clean up crew I would have:
20 scarlets
20 bluelegs
20 astrea snails
3 mexican turbo snails
1 brittle star
As far as corals:
some shrooms
some polyps
some more shrooms
maybe a small colt but might upgrade lights first...


I keep a 20 gallon micro reef. Personally, I think that is way to many fish. Especially with your choice of filtration. I keep two maroon clowns, about 10 crabs, 10 snails, and various polyps. I have found that my start polyps are the easiest to keep and spread quickly. I use a Red Sea Prizm. It is great for the price, but I have already had to replace a few pieces on it. I would reccomend looking into a CPR bakpak (you can find it, if you look hard enough, for 120 online). I definately would not reccomend keeping polyps or corals with your suggested filtration. Especially not the colt. For lighting, I have about 70 whats I think. I use a custon sea life retrofit and I have an additional actinic to simulate sunrsise ans sunset. THis is all just my opinion of course.


Lose the damsel! they're trouble especially the domino. You could start with the clowns after your cycle. After that I would finish your fish then move on to your corals. Prefferably WELL after all your fish. By then you'll have a good idea of what your tanks water quality will be like on a regular basis and make adjustments before adding the more sensitive corals. There are a great number of fish you could add that are small enough and colorful, but I wouldn't push past 3 or 4. Remember in that small of a tank water quality will be difficult to maintain and if you want it stay good enough for the corals go real easy with the fish. And take your time between additions. ( I say a month between, but others may say I'm too cautious)
Sounds like you've done alot of planning which gives your tank a much higher success rate of those that don't.
Good Luck