ok so i have a koran angel and have had him for about 2-3 weeks. as soon as i put him in the tank he was very lively and swimming everywhere. the past few days ive noticed hes been really mellow, not moving much and "sitting" in the corner of the tank. at first i thought he was just spooked or something and thought nothing of it. then i saw him swimming sporadically in circles and "scratching" one side of his body. He hasnt really eaten much in the past couple of days so im beginning to get worried. I have a 30 gallon with 2 emperor 125's and a powerhead going. I have 2, 4 stripped damsels, a maroon clown with an anemone, and a handful of crabs. These guys have been in the tank practically since the beginning (prolly 4 months now) and they never seem to be different in anyway. like i said i added the koran (about 2 inches now) about 2-3 weeks ago. i know this tank is way too small for him in the future, however i plan on getting a bigger tank in about 3-4 months (funds arent available right now). im not sure what to do. ive searched the boards and it seems everyone says to get him into a qt tank quickly...unfortunately i dont have the luxury of having one. is there anyway to treat this while he is in the tank now? i dont really see any spots on his body yet, although i think his color has faded some since ive gotten him. someone please help my awesome buddy!