Possible new tank


I will be setting up a new tank soon. I would ideally like A Volitan Lion, a Queen Angel, A Sohal Tang, a Paddle Wrasse, and a Blue Jaw Trigger.
Can these fish be in the same tank, if so...what size?
If not, any other types of each fish better if I want some combination of the five?


The queen and sohal need very good water conditions and the niger and lion might make a mess of the place. Dont crowed the queen because it will get mean as it ages. You wernt planning on using a 55 were you? You would need like a 200+


200+ Gallons?!?!?!
Well....I definitely want the queen...what else could I put with it and a Sohal if not the trigger and Lionfish?


I am planning NEW tank...and want to know what size I need for the 5 fish I have mentioned. I am NOT going to use my 55 gallon. Probably keeo that as a reef tank. So, can these five fish be put together and if YES, what size tank. Is 200+ the size...I was thinking 125 to 150?


Okay...I have seen 4 possible tanks...
1. 125L 72x18x20 for $550
2. 125R 60x18x24 for $510
3. 150L 72x24x20 for $590
4. 150R 60x24x24 for $590
My thoughts...
1. For an extra $40...the 125L is better than the 125R.
2. With that in mind...for another $40, and using the same length lights...the 150L is better than the 125L.
3. For the same price...no reason to get the 150R instead of the 150L.
So...with just about the same lighting, filtering, etc...the 150L is the way to go.
Is this good for these 5 fish? Opinions?


No opinions on this setup....150 long with a CPR Cyclone Bio Filter rated to 200 gallons with attached skimmer, and 72" 4x96watt PC lighting?
Sohal Tang
Queen Angel
Volatin Lion
BlueJaw Trigger
Paddlefin Wrasse
Some Live rock, maybe live sand bed.


HELP?! Okay...don't want to go much bigger than 150....as it is I am looking at $1500 without a stand which I will end up building myself.
So...My wife really wants the V Lion. I definitely want the Trigger...
As for a Tang, Wrasse, and Angel...any ideas that would include a NON dwarf Angel? How about a blue face, emperor, koran, regal?


ok well for the fish you named i would suggest dropping the angel (as the lion and trigger are messy and angel need excellent water quality)...i would definatley keep the volitan (i prefer black volitans personally) and the blue jaw trigger is my favorite so i would keep him to (make sure you specify whether you want a male or female as they look drastically different-i would suggest a male)...you can go with the tang too although i would suggest a purple tang since they are more aggressive (and the bluejaw is not one of the more arressive triggers so he shouldn't bother it)...now to replace the angel i would definatly suggest a snowflake eel(in my opinion no aggress tank is complete without an eel)...
now stock order is important in an aggressive tank because aggressive fish tend to be territorial. add the least aggressive fish first.
i would most likely go with the following order:
1: snowflake eel
2: purple tang
3: lionfish
4: trigger
and i would wait at least 1 month between each new addition as the biofilter of an aggressive tank needs time to compansate for the new bioload...
i haven't used the CPR Cyclone Bio Filter, but ingeneral i like to get filters/skimmers rated for double my tank size.
i personally would do the following:
1)4-6" of sand (if your on the east coast get the HD southdown tropical playsand other wise) and then add some live sand to seed that...
2)100-125lbs of base/live rock (you base rock as your foundation and LR above the sand to save some $)...
3)a GOOD skimmer (post a question for the best skimmer for your size tank)
4)you may want to suppliment with a wet dry filter (although personally, if you don't overfeed and wait between additions, i don't think it would be necessary
as for the tanks you were considering, i suggest the 150L to give your tang room to swim...
as for lighting: in a fish only w/ live rock (FOWLR) you can you regular NO flouresent lighting...if you want to spend more on pc's it won't hurt but they aren't necessary...
hth (although i'm not a shark!!-just kidding!!)
[ September 26, 2001: Message edited by: justchillin ]