Possible problem....



Maybe Ich?
I have noticed some spots on my Tang. They are circular and about 1/32 or 1/16th inch in size. They are not a bright white more of a semi/whitish/grey...not scratches! She has about 4 or five in between her eyes and mouth area, and another couple on her upper side. They look more of a skin de-pigmentation than a speck(s). Last night she slept crammped in next to the starfish who was chewing up a big piece of shrimp on a chip clip. Could the star fish have caused the dots? If it is Ich, it doesnt really look like photo's I have seen, unless its a very early stage.. I tried to photograph it, but they wont show up, possibly just due to her movement, but they are very light in color. She is eating, and actually showing as much vigor as usual. No rubbing, no heavy breathing, not running for the surface etc. The other fish, two clowns and a small V.Puffer show no problems signs and are doing great.


Staff member
Hello, nice looking hippo. How long have you had this fish?
Do you have a magnifying glass that you can use to get a better look at the problem. See if you can tell if the dots are raised off the skin or actually more like pits in the skin.
I am thinking that the problem may be HLLE, but I can not really see anything from that pic.


I do have a mag glass, but, she is so shy most of the time that it's hard to get her slowed down out in the front of the tank...I must have shot 80 picts just to get the one I did. I will try to look though. From what I could see, without a glass, the spots seem neither indented nor protuding..more like a loss of pigmentation...I'll try to update... Ive only had her about a week and a half.. She's small and fast...


Staff member

Originally posted by BillB
more like a loss of pigmentation

And here is what I am getting at. It sounds like Head and Lateral Line Erosion to me [HLLE].
Take a look at the tang pic in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum. There is an example pic there of a tang with HLLE.


Well...so far it's not like that photo... I do have her in a 29 though..(I know, I know) If it is stress thats getting to her, would it show up as spots or is that just the Tang Police answer to get her out of the tank...
Iv'e probably stressed her enough today anyway..chasing her around trying to get a peek..so it's lights of for the night..let us see what tommorrow brings...