Possible Reef Setup PLEASE ADVISE


New Member
I have a 55 gal with 78 lbs of LR.
2 months old.
I am thinking about these. Are these compatible and are they all reef safe?
Midas Blenny
Six Line Wrasse
Chromis (2)
Flame Angel
Percula Clown
Long-Nose Butterfly
Will be getting anenomes and coral, etc.
The rest will be random crabs and shrimp.
Thanks for the help


Active Member
Depends on what the long term goals are for the tank. If its to be FOWLR then the list of fish seems reasonable to me.
Problem with FOWLR tanks is as the hobbyist gains confidence and knowledge these types of tanks generaly tend to gravitate toward reef systems, in which case I would reconsider the addition of a butterfly.
Edit.... Opps and sorry. It appears your tank is gravitating toward a reef system faster than most with your mention of corals

No butterfly in this case and I would try to resist adding the anemone also. If iits a clown and host you are after, and who would not want to have that in there tank. There are several corals that make great host for paired clowns.
Good luck with your tank.