Possibly a stupid question but here it goes...


Should you quarantine live rock? Will parasites perish on the rock without a host? I'm just wondering about all the "unknowns" introduced with live rock. Is it possible to introduce certain bacterial infections with live rock?

mr . salty

Active Member
I guess that it is possible to get nasties in your rock,but I myself have never had a problem.I have added alot of rock from many diferent shops to my tank and have never quarenteened any of it.Also,have never had a problem. I think if we were to worry about every little thing that could possibly get into out tanks,it would take alot of the enjoyment out of it for me.If you start worrying about rock,What about the sand,Food,and pretty much anything that comes near the tank????Hope you see my point here.Enjoy your tank,and try not too worry too much.

nm reef

Active Member
Gotta go with salty on this......I Q any livestock additions....but I've also added LR from several sources after my cycle....always made sure it was well cured and added small amounts.....origional was less than 20 lbs and now have close to 100 lbs in a 55 reef....never noticied a problem with lr addition