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theres no leftovers as theres only a damsel in there. il try krill, also i think the peices are too big...well i know they are. ill try some small pieces and see what happens. what is mysis by the way?
Mysis are little shrimp that you buy in frozen cubes. They're very similar to brine shrimp, but more nutritious. They're too small for a snowflake I think, but it's what I had when I bought them. They can put pretty big pieces in their mouth... unless it's like twice the size of his head I would expect to see your SFE try to get it in there. Cut pieces to about 1/4th the size of his head.
Mine is very aggressive and will come out and snatch it from me, or chase me all over the tank trying to bite me, but I suspect the younger and newer in a tank, the more shy. Keep trying and don't freak him out (aka poking him with sticks all day trying to get him to eat). If it stays in a burrow, put a piece in it or near the mouth and leave it. You may not see him eat but it should be lower stress for him so that he can get used to the tank.
(to anyone reading, I keep feeling sexist calling it a "he" over and over. "it" makes it sound like a chair, and let's face it, eels seem kinda manly. aggressive, somewhat phallic... so that's my grammatical choice)