Possibly getting into Reef


Hi! I might have the best luck, my brother-in-law is looking to getting rid of his 80 gal. bow front reef tank. At this point all that is in it is l/r and one big clown, a few hermits as well. Anyway he lives 90 miles away, any suggestions on how to transport and set up. Not sure of his plumbing and set up under the tank. Also would most likley get is ro system as well.
Any thoughts or ideas would be great. At this time I have a 40 f/o with very little l/r. Thanks for your time!!!


Active Member
Check out my Reef Basics page, so you will have a better idea at what you're getting into.
Good Luck,


If you meed any ideas or help, feel free to email. I've been in the hobby for over 3 years and have had no problem with any of my setups. In my opionin, the key to this hobby is just finding out what works for you and sticking with it. The 80 gal sound nice and would be a great starter tank for any reef. Just remember to plan out the corals ahead of time so you get the lighting correct.


Thanks Wrigley, I did print your info and I was wondering......are all reef tanks so noisey? That's is probably the one thing holding me back. Brother-in-law's tank is very loud.