Post for Thomas


Active Member
hey. viper recommended i talked to u about my rose tip anemone. it seems to be healthy, pooping every day or so and it the tentacles have the bubbles. when i tried feeding it brine shrimp with some other stuff my maroon clown took it down for him and dropped it on his tentacles but they dont seem to be sticky. his tentacles wont stick to anything. also he has a little bit of his intestines hanging out not more than 3cm in diameter. do u know anything about what could be going on? thanks


Describe the intestines, so to speak?
Give me the water paramiters, particularly the PH value.
Can you post a pic of the anemone?
Are you sure its a bubble tip? There are some ways that anemones reproduce out of the mouth but I've not seen this trate in BTA's or RBTA's
If everything seems healthy but it has this protrusion, then I'd have to see it.
Don't try to feed it anymore but let the clown have its way, if it decideds to feed it then just observe what happens.
If something truly is coming out of the anemone and there is a problem, then start running fresh carbon to absorb any potential toxins, waste products..etc.. that might foul the water.
Other than that I'm just not sure but would like to see what is happening.


Active Member
its wierd, theres sorta a white intestine like ball with a few clear strandds. its coming out of the mouth, he is pooping fine and the maroon trys to take food to its tentacles but the food doesnt stick. im going to check my PH right now. im gonna test ammonia and nitrates too.
ph looks around 8.6
ammonia is 0
nitrate is <.3
everything seems good.. =/


Active Member
i just read ur other post. my lights are 2x65w pc in a 20g tank. what is "zoo"? i need to have my friend over to get this picture. if he was dead, wouldnt all of his guts come out? and he would deflate. but hes all bubbley with this little tongue like thing hanging out. also, its foot is about 1.5" diameter and its body is 4" diameter? also the lights are on for about 12 hours.. im getting a timmer soon



Originally posted by wocka
if his tentacles arent sticky, how will he eat?

He needs light - and can go months without eathing, unless your lighting is poor or not enough. Even then the lighting is more important for the zooxanthellae, if that dies the anemone dies.


Active Member

Originally posted by wocka
should 2x65wpc on a 20g get him by?

IMO it is not enough. My anemone's health decreased dramatically over the last 3 months with 2x65 watts.


Active Member
so what do u suggest i do? feed him alot after i figure out what hes doing with his guts?



Originally posted by wocka
so what do u suggest i do? feed him alot after i figure out what hes doing with his guts?

Feeding meaty foods is not a long term substitute for the lighting needs.
Many folks over feed there anemones and this contributes to there overall water problems. Do you honestly believe that anemones in the wild get fed as often as you have been feeding yours?
Feeding food is not the answer here, lighting is.
Continue to observe the anemone.
Just a few questions to ask yourself.
How long have you had him now?
Has he grown or shrunk since you have had him?
Has his color remained the same or has he gotten lighter in color since you had him?


Active Member
ive had him for a week and feed him once today. i dont overfeed, he seemed to get bigger. his tentacles are a little sticky around the mouth. his color hasnt decreased. i plan to feed him about twice a week



Originally posted by wocka
ive had him for a week

In that case, STOP FEEDING HIM, for two weeks. He is going to have to adjust to your tank for at least two weeks, if he has a protruding mouth then there may be something wrong with your water. Also he may very well be storing energy for a move, this is why his tenticals may not be sticky right now.
I'll try to find a photo of something that may be close to what you are seeing.


Active Member
no.. it almost looks like a white brain. its a small sphere about the size of the smilie :confused:


Active Member
hmm i just came home from school today to find my anemone in the middle of the tank spread open! hes so huge.. atleast 6" in diameter and the white thing hanging out of his mouth went back in!