Post Mortum


New Member
I have read several postings here and articles on ich treatment. Since I have (had) a community tank with two invertibrates, I chose to treat with non copper medication. I followed the directions as listed but to no avail. I keep a 55 with live rock. It appears that it may have started with my Regal Tang. I have had this fish for over a year. One morning the obvious dusting of ich was present however it soon dissapeared. From here on it gets worse, I lost a fish every week during the treatment. Now all that is left is the Regal Tang. This fish does show terminal signs as well as clouded eyes and the loss of pigment around the gill plates, nose and head. Additionally it appears to be starting what looks to be "hole in the head disease" I saw a picture of this in a book at the Scripps Aquarium. I maintain 40% water changes every 3 to 4 weeks.
Now the question, after the expected final death, will the ich cycle rid itself in 21 days if no additional fish are added? and will my bio stay this long with only a cleaner shrimp and a chocolate chip star? I guess this was my time. I have not had a total kill since my first tank in 1978.
Thanks in advance for any comments or suggestions. Or perhaps I could make a 55 gallon terrarium!


Staff member
It sounds like the Regal showed symptoms first, but did you add any new fish? You said the Regal was in the tank for a yr. If you didn't add new fish, did you add LS from another tank, decorations or even LR from another source?
Also, I'd like to get a positive ID on the disease you're experiencing. You say the obvious signs of ick, but then you phase it as "dusting". Any time I hear "dusting" I think of oodinium...marine velvet.
Can you describe the illness in more detail? This is important because the length of time that your tank will need to remain fishless will be much longer with the velvet then it will be for the ick [at least 60 days for velvet].
I would be interested in knowing how the disease entered your tank, since you don't mention adding any fish.
As for the invert or reef safe medication, while some people report some positive results, most have had negative experiences, particularly in reef systems. In this hobby, there is really no getting around not having a separate hospital/ quarantine tank on standby for new or sick fish.
If the tang is still alive, I would take Terry's advise and try to save him. A separate tank can be cheaply set up. Additionally, if you can not make a definitive diagnosis between velvet or ick, then treat the fish with copper. As copper will treat either disease.
Let us know your progress!