Post pics of toadstools


Active Member
KTSDAD - What kind of flow and light is your toad under? Mine used to open up just like yours, and once I put it in my new tank it hasn't been doing good.
It's usually flat w/ no tentacles out, and even when some come out, it's only part of the coral. The other areas are bald w/ no tentacles out.


I am wondering why my toadstool doesn't have long tentacles? is mine a toadstoll or a mushroom?


Originally Posted by EUPHORIA
KTSDAD - What kind of flow and light is your toad under? Mine used to open up just like yours, and once I put it in my new tank it hasn't been doing good.
It's usually flat w/ no tentacles out, and even when some come out, it's only part of the coral. The other areas are bald w/ no tentacles out.
We had this guy in a 60 reef under 485watts of PC with descent water flow and no phyto and it did pretty well, was growing slowly. It would go for days without opening.
Our new 250 has 1000watts of MH and 3600gph of flow. Once we put him in there he has grown at least 25% bigger in 4 months, still no phyto - just plain fish food.
I saved a smaller guy from a nasty tank that wasn't healthy at all. I put him in this tank 4 months ago also and it has doubled in size.
I would guess my luck is attributed to the lights, that is really the biggest difference.
Good luck!


Active Member
ok guys I'll try to feed this guy phyto as well. Since it doesn't have it's tentacles out lately, do I just spray the phyto and water mix into it's top, and is there an optimal time to do it?


Active Member
how do you get your toadstool to curl up like that? i would want my toadstool like that instead of a big circle.


Originally Posted by fishboy091
Angelspot, that toadstool is awesome.
LOL i was thinkin the same thing Fishboy!


Active Member
Not all toadstools were created equal. Some just have long tentacles and some just have short tentacles.. and since when does toadstools eat phytoplankton.. did you mean zooplankton?


Originally Posted by Speg
and since when does toadstools eat phytoplankton.. did you mean zooplankton?
Nope, mine eats phytoplankton.