------>post pics of your anenomes


Here are a couple pics of my rose BTAs (it split in two about a month ago) and the white BTA. They all share a rock peacefully and the two black percula clownfish host in all 3. Also, the violet LTA that is currently in seclusion somewhere behind all the rocks, lol.


37g joe

Im realy thinking of getting some black percs how big are yours. Ive seen some black percs at an lif's that are so big. one is 5 inches long and real nice and plump.


Here are the black percs again. You can see that they have yellow on the pectoral fins and a bit at the front of the mouth. One of them is about 3" long and the other is a little over 2", and both are fat & happy. They'll steal food from anybody. I've even seen them battle one of our 3 mantis shrimp for a piece of krill. The only inhabitant I have seen them share with is the rose BTA (before it split). I actually watched the larger perc put a piece of krill in the anemone's mouth! How's that for symbiotic?
Edit: The faint white lines you see across the fish in the second pic are scratches on the tank glass. Those were taken in our old 40gal. We've since upgraded to a 75gal tank.



Active Member
thats awsome, my false percs sometime feed HUGE pieces of shrimp to my hairy shrooms, and it actually eats it


I just found this picture and couldn't resist throwing it in. There is a decent-sized empty clam shell on one piece of LR in the tank. One day, the rose BTA decided to squeeze itself inside. It stayed there for a few hours and then came out again.



Please if you could put what type of lights and tank size so that we can see what people are getting out of what......


Active Member
Can any of you anemone experts give me some advice on what anemones to keep and which to avoid? I've never kept anemones, but since i'm setting up a new 180g tank, I figured I have the option to put anemones there first, so that if they move around they'll find a happy empty spot and settle down.
So which anemones should I look into that look good too? I plan to keep a few percula clowns so I'd love it if they hosted .


This is my new one 3 weeks old. Got this one since my last one tried to mate with my power head.
75 gallon
330 watts vho
220 watts of pc


Originally Posted by EUPHORIA
Can any of you anemone experts give me some advice on what anemones to keep and which to avoid? I've never kept anemones, but since i'm setting up a new 180g tank, I figured I have the option to put anemones there first, so that if they move around they'll find a happy empty spot and settle down.
So which anemones should I look into that look good too? I plan to keep a few percula clowns so I'd love it if they hosted .
First you need the right lighting then wait at least 6 months for tank to mature. Then go from there.


Active Member
I have MH lighting. 6 months huh? I guess I have to add them after I add some corals. Will that be ok?


No Euphoria, don't add it after the corals since they may take a while to find a happy spot. They cruise around your tank and will kill most corals they come in contact with. It took my anemone 6 months time, and 3 light upgrades before he finally found his happy place. If he moves now, I am doomed, but add him before your corals if you hafta get one.