Post pics of your bubble tip anemone


Active Member
I have had my bubble tip anemone for 3 weeks now. I have a clarkii that lives with it. When I first received the anemone it acutally looked like short tentacles that were bubbles. Now the tentacles are out-stretched. I am unsure if this is normal or what, so let me see yours if you have a pic, thanks!


From somewhere else...:D..."These anemones will typically remain compact and will gain bulb tips under intense lighting. If the lighting is insufficient, they will expand their bodies to great lengths to make the most of the available light."
So I am guessing this might have something to do with it?


Active Member
i have also heard that they elongate there tentacles when they are hungry to give the anemonea a better chance to catch something driffting by..... i have also heard the light part also....
i have 2 RBTA that originated from one ..... one has bulbs all the time and the other is elongated.... might be mostly the light cuz the one with bulbs is up high in the tank and the other one is lower


I've had an RBTA for a little over a week now, and I've noticed that it stretches out in the late day, I think in anticipation of being fed. I target feed the tank in the evening with mysis shrimp, and after that it settles back down into a less "stretched out" position.
No bubbles any time though....


Active Member
i don't think it is the lighting, cuz it's half way up the tank under a 260 coralife light hood. with 2 10K bulbs/2 actinic bulbs. It could be a thing of hunger, I will try to feed it more. Thanks for your inputs so far... still would like to see some pics though.


If you'll look at the thread "New BTA update", you can see the before and after pictures of mine. In the after picture, the BTA is drawn down more in the rocks than in the first, but he goes in and out a lot. I've had him I think for around two weeks, or a little less.
It seems there are some threads on here about the tentacles on a BTA, and I'm sure some of them said that their BTA's never had bubbles. You might do a search and find out.


New Member
It is very normal for bulb tip anemones to do this especially if there is a clown hosting it. I believe the bubbles are a type of defense whic is no longer need when captively kept. Anyways, here is mine.