Post pictures of your eels here

Sounds like you have done a good job weening her off her aggressivness, although in the wild I'm sure they are a bully :) Her teeth don't lie. Most eels that are aggressive can be "house broken" into a lovely pet.
So are you still trying to sell her?


New Member
all very beautiful eels. can someone tell me tho, how long a snowflake can go without eating. mine hasnt eaten for over a week, just goes back under his rock when i offer food to him. other times he comes out and swims all over, but still won't eat
someone told me he was constipated from eating too much, any ideas???
Originally Posted by AW2x3
Quite the opposite, actually. I hand feed mine and she's been in tanks with everything from Clown Triggers to 14" Porcs to 15"+ Volitans. I also hand feed her and she's never once acted aggressive to me or tank mates.
I've also seen numerous Dragons that were very mild mannered.
There are, however, always exceptions to the rule.
Thats amazing
Originally Posted by cindydeck
all very beautiful eels. can someone tell me tho, how long a snowflake can go without eating. mine hasnt eaten for over a week, just goes back under his rock when i offer food to him. other times he comes out and swims all over, but still won't eat
someone told me he was constipated from eating too much, any ideas???
I know my eels regular diet consists of not eating a week to a week and a half, so right now your eel is not in any harm. when 2 weeks rolls around I would think it might be a concern. The constipation may be the case. What are your water parameters and what is the SFE's regular diet consist of?


Glad you think that your eel is all that healthy, in which is not what it really is underneath the whole thing for yes, the eel is strong and could turnover LR, but long term speaking, your eel isn't all that healthy as you may think it be.
Know this, eels in the wild not feed all as often that most hobbyists who owns one and feeds the eel twice a week or more. Know this as well that body fat will develope within ones eel as each year goes by. For eels often not feed for weeks in the wild and we are feeding them ever so often, one here must sit back and think about this before making claims.
AW, I had a different post ready and changed my mind, but what is even more of a showboat then rather a person of professionalism other then he or she acts like they are, it is very unwise to hand feed this eel, the dragon moray. From your many times boasting this, that you hand fed her is only being more of a show off then a person who is a professional hobbyist.
You about two years ago or less were saying you were going to have six dragons in your 200 gal tank, that im afraid would be a mistake, you might had however done it with four with a s*** load of LR. There is one other thing your lacking, and that is, these dragons will house together in the same lair when are young juveniles, when near grown adults, they not hide together the very same lair, but rather near by too one another.
Clown Triggers to 14"
I not remember you having a 14" CT, but you did once had both, a clown and queen trigger and for some reason, they died on you and they weren't any bigger then 5"-5.5", if that. You also had an angelfish, it too not lasted as well.
I've also seen numerous Dragons that were very mild mannered
I said this long time ago that these eel when well feed enough will appear ever so mild manner and when hungry, it will be on the hunt and will even kill or bite at any fish even if too large.
There are, however, always exceptions to the rule.
Just another show off, for even a sfe could give anyone a nasty little bite and it will hurt something awful and when AW eel bite him, it will be much worst, so use a feeding stick as everyone else is doing.
Sounds like you have done a good job weening her off her aggressivness
Most eels that are aggressive can be "house broken"
As long as someone who is most likely feeding his eel every 2-3 days, his eel will most likely act as she is house broken, but if AW was to lets say feed her once a week, he will be placing himself at risk of injury. Again, it is like I was saying, a not so hungry eel will not be as aggressive, a hungry one would rip his fingers off, just like in that video about 4-5 months were some diver thought he was feeding a tame eel, it not knew where the food ends and the guys fingers begin. Again, anyone who with eels like a dragon says to often they handfed their eel, isn't being professional, but rather only looking to show off. So please everyone, done let AW have you thinking that you can do this and not become injured, ever.
There be a number of other hobbyists, not here but at other links who even tried to hand feed a sfe and one guy was bitten good, good thing for him that his sfe was quite small still at the time. It is bad advice to listen to one telling you of handfeeding and makes it sound all so easy.
If a person who is too only feed some eel in their tank, not would be feeding all to often, but once a week or longer, the eel if healthy enough will act out aggressively to the food offering, specially the first strip of fish or octopus, squid, etc.
It all depends on what one want to believe and being that most always here and there hear something bad about hand feeding some eel and the owner gets bitten and most others always say that it not pay to try and hand feed their eels.
Now understand, above is my professional opinion to do within moray eels and nothing other then telling it as it really is, no one would ever hear from me that they could try and hand feed their eel :(
God Bless


Active Member
Hello Dragon Moray Eels AKA Buddy AKA your other 15 names that you've had here and on other forums.
It's been a long time since you've followed me around, harassing me and trying to discredit everything I say and call me a liar with pretty much everything I say. Let's've been banned from Grim at least 4 times (all under different names) and you've also been banned here for NUMEROUS names.
I'm happy to know that you still care though.
Now comes the part where you disagree that you're who you are and you'll go on and on...but, in the end, your 3rd world, infant grammar and typing always gives it away.
I am however happy to know that you're still around...hadn't heard from you in a while. How are your pair of Dragons doing?
I'm not going to quote you in your thesis, I'll just say what I have to say. In the beginning of your post, I honestly don't know what the hell you're referring to?
As far as wild eels go, you needn't be lecturing people on this. How many 100's of hours have you been diving, exploring and learning the REAL ocean? I have dived for many many many years of MANY reefs and have seen eels in their natural habitat. You are right in that eels will most likely not eat as much in the wild as they do in our aquariums. That is why I said a good diet of food is not every day or twice a day or 2 times a week, it is usually as much as they want to eat on the 14th-15th day.
As far as saying that one is "boasting" or "showing off" by handfeeding the eels is kind of naive. Would you handfeed a dog? certainly you wouldn't think twice but damn, heaven forbid that dog is hungry...he couldn't differentiate the difference between food and your hand.
When I feed my eels..(always by hand) I am not standing there alone thinking to myself *WOW!! how cool am I feeding my eel with my hand. I am simply accustomed to his personality and trust in my eel, the SAME way I trust my dog not to bit my fingers off.
I sensed absolutely NO showmanship or boasting of anysort from AW's post. He is simply saying that he has a bond with his fish and knowledge of it's behavior to simply put the food in by hand. A good aquarist will know how to feed his pets, and know their habits.
I was once bitten by my eel and it was completely MY fault by not paying attention and moving my hand in his path when he went to go take a bite. Just like people get bitten by their horses when they feed them, not that the horse is just so hungry he had to eat the food and the hand, but just because he did not mean to.
About the 14inch Clown trigger. Do you follow AW's life day by day and know what enters and leaves his tank?
You over exaggerate the bite of a small snowflake eel....considerably.
We are not showoffs,daredevils, or badasses because we hand feed our eels, that is kind of petulant to think.


Active Member
Oh, dude...there's no reason to even reply to him. He'll go on and on and on, until you have so much trouble reading his posts you'll want to pull your hair out.
I also NEVER claimed to have had a 14" Clown Trigger. If you read the post correctly, it says Clown Trigger AND a 14" Porc. I'm not stupid enough to put ANY fish with a 14" Clown Trigger, let alone my most valued possession.
And, just because I know he's gonna try to discredit me about everything, including me hand feeding, are some pics...

He is quite gorgeous, or she rather :)
Yeah I had to re read each sentence at least 3 times to put it together to understand. Oh well.
WATCH OUT, you'll lose a finger ;-)


You know it is I, I not hide and post under a assume name as you done in -- and act like your some darling angel. And im not following you around, but rather look in on eel issues and nothing more for like I said, I wasn't going to say anything, but to tell others something as your saying and act as if your some true professional eel person is something of a crime for we both know the truth in all this in answering eel questions that you select the more simple to answer then rather answer any and all. Still, Im not arguing anything here , other then to post for others the true background to what to expect when keeping moray eels.
I do see now where your heading, if you get those other dragons, you will only be keeping eels, there be nothing hard in doing that for eels are so far the one marine creature you had some success with, they didn't die on you like all those fish im sorry to say. But that last time, you were asking for it to happen when adding those captive snails or so right out of the ocean and right into your main tank, that my friend was a big No, No.
Perhaps my typing grammar stinks, but I could tell you things you not likely to understand or know when it comes to eels, even if we were to talk on the phone. But still, you can never in my remaining life time ever know all of what I do know when it comes to eels. Still, you have a basic understanding and it lingers there, expanding no further. I at one time was hoping to give you a great deal of knowledge to go with what little you now know.
here is a post I done elsewhere, it had to do with two others in the forum link who had some problems with their eels.
Wastewater Pollution Effects on Eels:
Some 15 years or so, an eel expert has done some studies on the effects on wastewater pollution on eels. For the findings revealed structural and functional alterations of the gills, hence an influence on osmoregulation. Lemaire Gony reported that these injuries are to be reversible, but the liver lesions however is irreversible. This was writing by Lemaire Gony in around the year of 1993, in which I myself for many decades before viewing this writers/experts findings, I been telling others for many decades before.
Cadmium was administered with an water produced perivascular fibroses, where as a one time injection of benzo(a)pyren has led to a decrease in glycogen and a accumulationof the lipid globules. The liver of eels exposed to both cadmium and benz(a)pyren showed complete disorganisation of the parenchyma and nuclear degeneration.
Test as well on the japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) (Freshwater), with various heavy metals disrupted the eels growth. Within eels, even relativety low concentrations caused vertibral malformations.
Now note, all of my background on eels are from both, researched facts and by having any number of various eels through the decades in studying at home on these species. Both or a proven fact for ones success in maintaining and if any medical problems should arise. At some point, you can be a success at it or fail all due to the complexity of making the correct or incorrect diagnoses from the start.
I hope and pray, that from posting something in which is as imporant as this, other members would do far better for their eels then just admiring them in their tanks

I'm happy to know that you still care though
Understand one thing AW, im not hateful as you are, im simply telling the truth in what is best then to be showboating by hand feeding such eels.
However, you not answer anything to what im saying is true here, your hoping that the others here will sweep it under the rug for you. And that be OK, they can have a none professional telling them jokes on hand feeding your eel for do you really think its cool and im sure that you not tempt it all too often.


AW, or Andy, now I see your hand and the eel, if those shots are the lastest, your eel is by no means 34", but rather 30" or less, your eel is by no means as thick in body as my male eel is, and by the way, all others in the other forums, know that I sold the pair for even that it did nothing much in helping my daughter due to her serious illness that one day may claim her life. I sold the pair and gotten $15,000 for them and you know very well that I had the female of the two for more then 14 years and know this andy, for I know that your female didn't fully grown in those short five years you had it to its full size. For I should know, I have or had those eels when they were but around 15-17".
The point is AW, this eel continuos to grow for like the male I had, prior to moving into my new home, he was around 32-3" then and in the last year I had him before selling, I gotten a perfect measurement of him being at 36". When you ask me to tell you of the gender of the dragon before you bought it, I told you that it was healthy and a female. You are all the time telling others here that there be only one way to tell a dragon eels --- and that was with a DNA.
You remember when I told you she is a female and you told that guy at that place who told you that he wasn't surprised, you fail however to ever tell others the real truth.
The Egregious, im sorry that my typing and mind to my fingers, not work to well together and also im not real healthy and AW/Andy knows this, im just over 70 years of age and I happen to be on a load of medication and AW knows that one time my blood pressure was somewhere around, gosh, I don't remember. I either think it was 110 over 70, or higher. Aw knew of a friend, a nurse I think it was, who told him that I should had died then.
But anyway, im not in the best of health and still im looking forward to keep SPS corals. AW, im sorry just the same that in those days when trying to tell you of a good many things to do within eels, that what little I did tell you, it never soaked in much.
Now comes the part where you disagree that you're who you are and you'll go on and on...but, in the end
You know that I was always like that in trying to best say something, so not look to make it appear as something else
Still the same AW, I have no bad wishes/feelings towards you. :)
Good Luck


Active Member
Originally Posted by OMOTS
However, you not answer anything to what im saying is true here, your hoping that the others here will sweep it under the rug for you. And that be OK, they can have a none professional telling them jokes on hand feeding your eel for do you really think its cool and im sure that you not tempt it all too often.
Well, by all means...please repost any and all questions you had for me, that I did not address.
I've never claimed to be professional or anything close.
Once the mods see that you're back, I'm sure it'll be a quick and painless ban, just like they've done the past 10 times you're rejoined this forum, just to harass me.
Originally Posted by OMOTS
AW, or Andy, now I see your hand and the eel, if those shots are the lastest, your eel is by no means 34", but rather 30" or less, your eel is by no means as thick in body as my male eel is
If you look close enough at the pic, you'll see the extreme angle in which the pics were taken...meaning, it'll distort such things. If you need further proof (and since you claim to be able to acurately tell length in a pic), I can post pics of her full body, in a 4' tank.
Originally Posted by OMOTS

and by the way, all others in the other forums, know that I sold the pair for even that it did nothing much in helping my daughter due to her serious illness that one day may claim her life. I sold the pair and gotten $15,000 for them and you know very well that I had the female of the two for more then 14 years and know this andy, for I know that your female didn't fully grown in those short five years you had it to its full size. For I should know, I have or had those eels when they were but around 15-17".
I'm sorry to hear about your daughter, Madeline's, sickness...this is the first I've heard. But come now...$15,000 for two Hawaiian Dragons. Who's fooling who here, my good man?
Originally Posted by OMOTS

The point is AW, this eel continuos to grow for like the male I had, prior to moving into my new home, he was around 32-3" then and in the last year I had him before selling, I gotten a perfect measurement of him being at 36". When you ask me to tell you of the gender of the dragon before you bought it, I told you that it was healthy and a female. You are all the time telling others here that there be only one way to tell a dragon eels --- and that was with a DNA.
You remember when I told you she is a female and you told that guy at that place who told you that he wasn't surprised, you fail however to ever tell others the real truth.
Interesting that you mysteriously guessed the gender of my Dragon before I even got it, had the DNA test done or posted pics of her.
Originally Posted by OMOTS
The Egregious, im sorry that my typing and mind to my fingers, not work to well together and also im not real healthy and AW/Andy knows this, im just over 70 years of age and I happen to be on a load of medication and AW knows that one time my blood pressure was somewhere around, gosh, I don't remember. I either think it was 110 over 70, or higher. Aw knew of a friend, a nurse I think it was, who told him that I should had died then.
But anyway, im not in the best of health and still im looking forward to keep SPS corals. AW, im sorry just the same that in those days when trying to tell you of a good many things to do within eels, that what little I did tell you, it never soaked in much.
And here we go about your bad health. I think I still have the emails where you claim that your bad health was due to me and how angry I made you. I just wonder how long you're gonna hold disdain for me, since people stopped asking you about eel species and started asking my advice.


I've never claimed to be professional or anything close.
No andy, you never claim to be a profession as I never claimed and you even said that I claim, lol funny, isn't it?
I care not of being ban as you put it and that is why your not answering anything on what I had said to your true abilities in this marine hobby. They can and if people still want to believe in the great AW, they can have you, it worries me not, but maybe you think so? Still, you not admit that I viewed your dragon eels photo before you bought it and told you its a female, and I know that the only reason you gotten the free DNA done was you not believed me. And I promise you, just not say anything further on this and I have nothing more to say as well, and I still wish you the best, you on the other hand only hate, never can you say anything nice, when you hate, you hate and one last thing, to that quote, others here had questioned your true knowledge and you attacked with only they were in this for a short time and you act like your in it for as long as I been the where your not in it to as long as what others think, for when we were talking one on one back then, you were only in the hobby then for 2.5 years. And your always saying your doing this for many years, I guess that be a joke on the others here.
I just hope enough people read this, and one here or there may or might think about what I was trying to say


Active Member
Originally Posted by OMOTS
And I promise you, just not say anything further on this and I have nothing more to say as well
I think that's the best thing I've ever seen you post. Thank God.
Back on track...let's see some more Morays.


That is simple Andy, you can never admit to the truth, as well, you deny everything as well you deny all those fish you had died on you and you made it sound like you decided to sell them, one cannot sell a dead fish. Your answers will never change, because you learned nothing, your still a beginner who is only acting as if your so full of knowledge to which the basic details you tell others, they could learn that on their own.


Active Member
I thought that's all you had to say?
You've just proven my point, that I made in the beginning.
You'll continue to follow me around and harass me, spouting false accusations and continually make yourself look worse and worse.


come on ppls just post some eels. If you have nothing nice to say then
KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Your wrong, I was basically commenting the wrong in others about hand feeding their eels and not to be a show off person like your bragging to them, you said that one thing way too often, that my friend is only a kid who is constantly bragging
Please, not say another thing, or you must love it to hear from me