post pix please



i want to see what kind of tanks you all have. postif it is FO(fish only) FOWLR(fish with live rock) or you have corals, and/or anoenomes with fish. also post the tank size and other"cool feature" your tank has.THANKS


Active Member
180g lee mar glass flat polished tank
Closed loop system running an Oceans Motion 4 way with a Sequence Dart pump
36" sump, MRC-CR2 calcium reactor, ASM-G4 skimmer, UV filter, pan world 100px-x return pump, custom stand and canopy made of cherry paneling, chiller, fluval 404 to run carbon
120lbs LR
120lbs LS
i have 2 clams a few sps(going to make the tank sps dominated adventually) i have some softies and some LPS
as far as fish i have a pair of false perc clowns, a school of lyretail anthias, hippo tang, fuzzy dwarf lion, siscor tail goby, mandarin dragonet
tanks been up for about 8 days now lol
but all the stuff came from my 100 except some of the fish



Active Member
My tank as it stands now its a FOWLR 37G there is a seperate pic of my snowflake because he hides all the time...... MURPH YOU ARE MY HERO



Originally Posted by Drewsta
My tank as it stands now its a FOWLR 37G there is a seperate pic of my snowflake because he hides all the time...... MURPH YOU ARE MY HERO

is that a v. lion in a 37? and a sfe??


Active Member
Drewsta thanks for me being your hero lol but there are lots of other beautiful tanks out there im just tryin to get mine going ill show u in about 6 months ull see a nice tank im guna hopefully have some nice sps colonies going by then
and nice lion btw he may get a lil big for the tank after a while but think of a fuzzy dwarf like mine they are fun


Active Member
for all the people out there that are wondering about the size. :notsure: I am currently in the process of building a cafe in there I will have a 250G+ tank. Thank you murph your tanks always look great!! I know about volitans and snowflake eels. But I appreciate the concern
The lion is maybe 1 1/2 inches long



300g FOWLR:
3 Volitans, fuzzy, Zebra, Pinktail, Pair of Bird Wrasses, Dogface Puffer

I also have a 90g Reef with softies, 2 little perc's, tasseled Filefish, 2 small bluethroats.....
12g nano reef that is fish less.........


Originally Posted by V-Lioness
300g FOWLR:
3 Volitans, fuzzy, Zebra, Pinktail, Pair of Bird Wrasses, Dogface Puffer

I also have a 90g Reef with softies, 2 little perc's, tasseled Filefish, 2 small bluethroats.....
12g nano reef that is fish less.........

Do you have any full or 1/2 tank shots? nice selection of fish!!!


Thank you ........ I do not have pic's right now but will soon. I am changing the tank around, adding a blue mirrored back, Pier post and so on. Yes my tank will be a theme tank, I am trying to replicate an under water pier area..... I just got bored with
I will be keeping all inhabitants in the tank, they have been with me a few years now, well every fish but the puffer, that has only been with me for 6-7 weeks.


V-Lioness, that is a gorgeous picture of your Pinktail.....I've not seen quite those colors from ours. Ours is about 5" or so.
Do you have anymore pics of your pink, if so, could you start a thread of Pinktails with your pics?.............................Peace