Post your fuzzy mushroom pics please


Active Member
I've seen some really big ones covering 1/3 of a nice tank -- which the fuzzies looked totally in place. Wish I had a pic of them for you

vinny p

mine is just a baby, i'll post it later. im currently fragging it to some rock. mine is purple, orange, teal, and blue.... yours is nice too.

scopus tang

Active Member
Fuzzy? Never heard of fuzzy mushrooms; hairy or frilly perhaps? In the pics your getting hairy, frilly, and ricordia, all of which are different. Nor will they live together without over growing/stinging each other.
Your rock looks like a mix of hairy or frilly and ricordia Yuma; they should be seperated. Also be aware that hairies or frillies get large, reproduce quickly (they will take over a small tank ~ killing out everything else), and some species will actually capture and eat fish.
That said, here's a picture of my pink frilly;