Post your nano tank pics here


This may be a dumb questions, but is your powerhead angled in the corner? If so, how did you do that?
So far, my tank just has water in it so it's not much to look at yet. I will gladly post a pic when there's something to see!


My tank is very new. Right now I only have 4 snails, 2 hermit crabs, a fire goby and a fire shrimp.


clarkiiclo... That powerhead in you nano cube, what brand is it? And what size? I've been looking for something that small and cant find anything. Where did you get it?


How can you have so much stuff in a 4 week old tank? Doesn't it need to cycle and then you add slowly?


It cycled real quick. Its only 12 gallons. I used live rock, live sand. I also was at my LFS when they were getting ready to do a water change. We did a water test and every was OK. So I just loaded up with their water. I think I just got real lucky with everything. It cycled in less then a week. I was amazed. I waited some time before I started to add anything. The Hammer and the tree were just added over the weekend. I test my water daily just to make sure for right now. I do water changes of 10% each week. I dont have any fish just coral in there right now. I have 8 hermit crabs, 2 turbos, one unknown snail; it was a hitchhiker, and a pepperment shrimp.


I was told that using established water does not keep from cycling. The tank still needs to build up a bio-load. It looks really awesome. I hope it works out well. My tank is established, but I have very little critters. I'm looking forward to added anenomes and corals!


yea. I dont think the water really had anything to do with it. I keeping my fingers crossed. Everything I've heard and read says it should take longer than it did. I guess time will tell. I have a real good relationship with my LFS and they gave me most of the stuff in trade for shirts I print. Also I take them some of my adult cichlids and trade them out for younger ones. I'll let everyone know how its going.


Active Member
Here's my 29g with two ocellaris clowns and a pair of cleaner shrimp. The tank's about a month old. :)