Post your videos!!!


Active Member
i'm tired of looking at only pics of fish. post your videos of them!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jr2857
i'm tired of looking at only pics of fish. post your videos of them!!!!

man..... you like to see alot of stuff.... But when I was your age, if they had comps back then I would probably have done the same thing!!!!


Active Member
If I knew how to post a video I would. I actually shot a nice video of the aquarium at Cesears Palace in Las Vegas. Ok, so it wasn't a nice video but the tank was nice...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
If I knew how to post a video I would. I actually shot a nice video of the aquarium at Cesears Palace in Las Vegas. Ok, so it wasn't a nice video but the tank was nice...
This is going out on a limb, but I would imagine that you would have to put it on a web site then put a link back on here!!!! No clue, but I know that would work!!!!


Active Member
can't you do it the same way as the pics way and go to my videos instead??? also you have to download it on the comp.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jr2857
can't you do it the same way as the pics way and go to my videos instead??? also you have to download it on the comp.
I don't see where you can add vids........ ????????.....????


Active Member
I used photobucket. I did it the same way Ido my photos, but it said invalid format. I will try again.


Active Member
I know someone else did post a video before but they had to use some website to host to video and I don't know where to find one...


Active Member
Ok here goes... I just shot this video of my tank....
My tank
Ok, so it really isn't my tank. It is in Cesaers Palace in Las Vegas...
Hope this works...