posting procedure... your thoughts


Active Member
Here's a question for everyone... when I read a post, I often have read relevant info, either in books, on this BBS, or in other places. In the past, I have gone ahead and posted that information, even though I have no direct personal experience to back it up(knowing that if it's wrong, someone will correct me). However, I always make a point to clealy point out that it was just info that I've heard... not personal experience.
Should I continue posting in this manner, or would you all prefer I only respond if I have personal experience to share. I've been that this long enough to know when I hear BS, and that kind of stuff I don't share. But if I hear something that makes sense, from someone I trust, should I share it?
What do you all think? I don't want to give people incorrect info, but at the same time, I really want to help everyone learn as much as possible about SWF and reefing.


Active Member
share it, knowledge is great, and helpful, be it learned experience or learned knowledge, just like you said, if it is something that makes sense, state it as something you have recently learned or read or whatever, i do, it is like this, often others do not or will not answer, and if i ask a question, and no one else answers(or with the answer i seek), and you post you have learned or whatever, at least it gives me somewhere or some reason to look further, if you do not, i may just not proceed, feeling thatsomeone else is right(or it is not posssible or whatever), so info whether it is learned or read(as long a it is not all bs) or all of your posts are reading
especially since i also know you are intelligent enought to also relaize what is outdated and or wrong