Nice pics but you really need to get a web site going.
You could have all your pics in 1 place that way.
There are many free services out there that offer more space then you will ever need.
I use geocities and find it fairly easy to understand.
Nice pics. Are all those fishes in the same tank? If so, aren't you afraid of the lionfish eating some of them like the cardinal and damsel? I know mine did.
Excellent photography!!
Whay are you using.
Hope you don't mind, I downloaded a few of your pics to share with some of my non fishobsessed friends.
As for web hosting. I use Zeetech and they are free and very easy to use.
Hey, thanks for boosting my ego. I need to get a website up and running. I have tons of pics. Not all of these fish are in the same tank. I have four tanks running. The only thing my Lion has eaten is my poor little Royal Gramma.
I shoot most of my pictures with cameras........just kiddin. I use mostly my Nikon F100 with various lenses. I also sometimes use my Coolpix 5700. If you wanna talk cameras, I will bore you to death. I am a photographer and I run a photo shop in Cincinnati.
im ready to be bored! my dad gave me his old pentax 35mm slr camera, and im just learnign how to use it. ive read the cover of the instructin manual from front to back and can take simple photos, but he also gave me a telephoto? lens and i have no idea how to use that thing, other than puttign the lens on the cam. whats f-stop and all that? Rye, id really be interested in a virtual lesson if you ever have time, my email address is im at class until 5 tongiht but if you want, e-mail me and we can chat about the stuff, as am really interested in learning about photography!