Potential Stocking for 30 Gallon


New Member
Hey all,
My 30 gallon tank is slowly getting going. So far, live sand, and 30lb of live rock live in there and the nitrogen cycle is rolling. I realize it will be awhile yet before anything else gets added into the tank but its never too early to start planning.
Any thoughts on the Cleaner Crew that i should add and what fish would look great.
Let me Know!


I would look into getting 1 mexican turbo snail. They have an endless appetite and eat most forms of algae. Another fish that is often over looked is the cleaner wrasse. They will help to keep your fish cleaned of parasites.


Well-Known Member
is this a 30 gal tall? Idk about the cleaner wrasse....i would say they are for more stable and older tanks. I would go with about 6 SMALL hermits, snails require good water quality imo and would get about 4-6 of those as well. Sand sifting snails are good. Emerald crabs or depending on wat kind of fish ur planning.....a sallylightfoot. Beware the lightfoot he has a big appetite and is a great scavenger but also is quite mean and will slash at things with his legs. I like shrimps too....
I guess it all depends on wat u want like coral, certain fish, ect....


In almost all cases a Cleaner Wrasse is not a recommended fish. Many of them slowly starve to death in captivity. I own one that is doing well, so does Meowzer, but we both have ours in a large tank (155G and 225G) with many fish for them to "graze" on. Both of us also have Cleaner Wrasses that accept frozen food, which is not common.
For a 30G tank, I'd do about 10 Nassarius snails, 10 Trochus snails, 10 Cerith snails and 10 Nerite Snails (You can swap out Trochus with Astrea Snails if you can't find Trochus, but I personally prefer Trochus). Also, 1 Fire Shrimp OR 2 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp. I hate hermits, they kill snails for the pure fun of it, I do not consider them reef safe. I also am not a fan of Turbo Snails in reefs, especially smaller tanks. They're clumsy and knock things over.
As for fish, I'd do a flasher or fairy wrasse, 2 clownfish, BiColor Blenny, a Green Banded Goby and a Coral beauty angelfish or African Flameback Angelfish. You could possibly add a small basslet like a Royal Gramma or Chalk.
Other fish to consider would be Firefish, Cardinals, Pseudochromis, etc. The options are endless, and you'll get different opinions, the one I listed is just one that I could go with personally because it would be a peaceful coexistence between all fish.